Best Sigma Brush Ever – Sigma F82 Round Top Kabuki Brush Review

Hey Everyone,

A while back ago, Sigma sent me a bunch of their brushes to try out. I wanted to do a review like you wanted me to but I didn’t know what to say about them really. I grew up with M.A.C brushes and I did find some glitches to them but for the price you’re paying, it made them pretty obsolete. I didn’t want to compare it to M.A.C but that was all I had to compare them to. I decided not to do a review until I had more to say than just saying that they did the job aside from a few stray hairs. This was my story until I tried their synthetic range and boy was I up for a surprise. Today I’ll be doing a review of the Sigma F82 Round Top Kabuki, a pretty popular Sigma brush and something that has made it to my must-have list.

The Sigma F82 Round Top Kabuki is a long handled synthetic fiber brush that is dome shaped. It is fluffy, very soft and still firm which makes it a dream to apply foundation with. I literally feel like I’m erasing all my flaws in circular motions. I love how quickly and flawlessly I can do up my foundation and it’s great for almost all types. A paddle brush may suit only liquid foundation and a sponge may be great for cream, but this is so versatile that it suits all foundation finishes – great for cream, liquid and even mousse. It just erases flaws like a giant eraser! At first it might cause a few streaks but keep on buffing the product in and you’ll be fine.

Thought it might be helpful to show you up close that the brush blends the foundation flawlessly into the skin as well. I tend to use cream or balm concealers and I love how I can just dot the concealer on and use this brush again and pat the concealer in. It blends beautifully. It’s such a no-brainer and easy to use brush.

I honestly really have no complaints about this brush. It’s one of my favourites and I look forward to using it everyday with my foundations because it applies it quickly and blends in easier than my fingers can do. I like to pat in my foundation with my fingers gently after I’m finished just in case. I have also tried their flat top kabuki, the Sigma F80 and I love it as well – I don’t see a difference in functionality between the two brushes but I am very impressed. Mine did not shed, or bleed, or go pokey. I love it.

I recommend this brush for it’s versatility in being able to apply almost any type of foundation, how easy and quick it is to use, and how wonderfully it helps blend your foundation into the skin. A total thumbs up from me!

What do you think of the Sigma F82 or F80 Brush?

Much Love,


  • Rozi

    i love sigma! hopefully smeone opens a spree
    btw what lipstick u’re wearing here?

  • Jill

    Do you like the flat top or the round top better for foundation/versatility? I’ve been deciding which to get :)

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      I really love both and honestly can’t tell the difference between the two. I would say the round top because the round curve is slightly smaller and able to fit into every sort of nook and cranny, I would probably go with the round top :)

  • Laura (spinnel_rain)

    Great review!! I’ve just gotten the set of 3 sigmax brush recently and I haven’t really thought much of it until I saw your review. Definitely will try application of concealer with F82!
    Happy holidays :)

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      Awesome :) let me know what you think!

  • Michelle Lee

    I recently put an order in for a set of their 12 brush kit and also the Flat Top Synthetic Kabuki – F80 during the black Friday sale. Can’t wait to try them out :) I guess since you mention the functions between the F80 and F82 is almost the same, I guess there’s no point in having both?

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      Yeah there isn’t any point in having both! And that’s awesome, the kit is alright, does the job but the synthetic kabukis are fantastic :)

  • Amy Chen

    what foundation are you wearing here? I like to use the flat top brush kabiku brush to just stipple the foundation onto my face without swirling it since that might take off the concealer i put on before hand. but i love using this brush for my foundation!

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      I’m using the Australis Fresh & Flawless :) i love this brush too!

  • Bun Bun Makeup Tips

    I have the F80 and it’s my super favorite brush to apply liquid foundation with!

  • CJ


    where can i get sigma brushes here in singapore?


    • roseannetangrs (author)

      You can only get sigma brushes online hun :)

  • Emily

    Would this brush work well for applying foundation to dry skin?

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      it should work, just remember to apply moisturiser before you apply your foundation if you have dry skin!

  • Kelly

    Would you recommend the F80 or the F82 for liquid foundations? I just bought the make up for ever HD foundation but I didn’t know which brush would be better. I seem to like the F82 a bit more because I feel like the flat top kabuki looks a bit big. What do you think?

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      Probably the F82 since its rounded and better for all the little corners! :)

  • Pingback: How to Apply Foundation – Using a Sponge vs. Make-up Brush, What’s the Difference? | roseannetangrs

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