I’m in The Straits Times! “Are Blogs Now Brands?” By Jonathan Holburt

Hey Everyone!

I was in The Straits Times on Tuesday! If you aren’t familiar, The Straits Times is Singapore’s National Newspaper! Wow. I really never even dreamnt of something like this. I just wanted to thank everyone thus far for all the support that you’ve given me, enough to be even featured in the paper. “Are Blogs Now Brands?” by Jonathan Holburt identifies that blogs are increasingly becoming a big player in media and advertising, even superceeding established print outlets. It’s a very interesting read. To read in an expanded form – [Click Here] (enlarged image url thanks to Renee (http://www.beautyfool.net), I am not techsavy enough to retain the dimensions for you to read :()

Super surprised when Renee tweeted me! So excited! My heart was beating fast the whole day! Thank you so much again for your support *Group Hug* :D

Love, Roseanne