Tangspiration: #DearMe – A note to my younger self

Hey Everyone :)


I saw this tag floating around and I wanted to do a video but then it’s night and late and I thought I’d write it down instead. If you don’t know what this tag is about, it’s basically a letter to your younger self. I’m going to write to myself when I was a senior in High School. I shall include some pics from school too if you want to see how I used to look like!  So, here we go :)

Dear Me,

Life gets better, but it doesn’t get easier. You will be blessed beyond what you could have ever, ever imagined or even expected – but with that comes great responsibility. You will have challenges, you will fight demons inside you but you must understand that whatever battles you fight, it will not only help you, it will have the ability to help everyone around you. Show the battle scars for it’s the scars that will inspire and encourage others to keep fighting.


In fact, the best news is God is going to hold hands with you and walk you through life. Everything will make sense, all that you do is related to all that will be. Yes, there’s God, actually – Jesus Christ. You’ll become a Christian. I know you don’t want to even say the word “God” right now. You think they’re all crazy let alone think religion is even necessary. But you’re going to need God for everything that you do and you’re going to wish you realised earlier. God is going to change your life, be your best friend, your partner, your boss, your father. You will be forever comforted. You will feel forever safe. You will know that you forever have the victory. It’s the best relationship and the most important relationship in your life. Roseanne, this realisation will hands down forever be THE best thing that’s ever happened to you. You are a child of God. Your heart will be touched by God and you will cry many tears but it will be the best thing that’s ever happened. It’ll transition naturally, God will call you and you’ll be ready. In fact, you will be the one running to God when it happens. Your family? Don’t worry about them either ;).


But I don’t want to scare you. It’ll happen at the perfect time. Right now, all you probably care about is bumping your A to an A+ and I know you’re continuously checking your grades. You’re probably thinking you don’t even have time to read this letter. All you care about is your meetings, appointments and schedules. I know how painful it feels to break up with someone and I know right now, all you want to do is numb it with ambition and success. You’re building iron walls around your heart but those walls won’t keep anything out. Roseanne, you’re not going to join a bank. You’re not going to want to work until you get two big buildings full of money because you’ll understand that the world is bigger than that. Stop. Smell the roses. Feel life, meet new people, see the world.


Roseanne, do you see that eyeliner you’re putting on everyday that you bought at a small stand in Bangkok? Treasure it. Keep it somewhere special and don’t throw it away. You’re going to want to keep the first of many make-up products you’ll be needing. In fact, that eyeliner that you’re struggling with is going to be what you’ll live for – for the rest of your life. Don’t worry about all the bullies or the popular people hey, they’ll be facebook messaging you asking how you are and how you got here.

That breakup you just had? Best thing that’s ever happened to you. It’s the difficult times that refine us most into diamonds and this will change you – make you a better person. You’ll learn to say no and you’ll realise what’s really important in life. You’ll see the world differently. No one said it’s going to be an easy climb though. It’ll be very difficult but ride it through and you’re going to feel like you’ve climbed through the swiss alps and back. You’ll never regret it, trust me.  You’re not going to even remember how he is. He will be insignificant, but what you learnt won’t be. There will be a few special ones along the way but you’ll end up with someone really special next who will show you what love really is. And by that time, all of this will make you ready for it.


Roseanne, you really won’t have a single clue about what is to come. The career that you have is entirely unexpected. The people that you meet will be as well. But you will be blessed. God will give you the gift of discernment and God will help you meet the right people. People matter. Surround yourself with good people. Pick and choose your friends, that’s important. Value yourself and know what’s good for you. Most importantly, follow your heart, feel the peace. If it says yes – go, says no – don’t. I know you want to play around with your free time but really, all the extra hours you’ll put in will be worth it. It will set you apart and people will be wishing they did the same years later.

Roseanne, you’re going to have to work really hard. You’re going to be dipping your toes in often very uncomfortable situations for you but you’re going to understand how God works and you’ll be be comforted. Most of all, I don’t want to spoil life for you. I don’t want to tell you what you’ll be doing because I’ve learnt that life is a beautiful surprise and trust me, even now, it still is. Learn to love this life with all your heart because it’s a gift. Spend your time well and make room for the people who you love and who matter, but don’t waste your time on people who don’t deserve it. You can learn a lot of things from one person, let alone many. I can’t say that I want you to be any different right now because then I wouldn’t be who I am today. The mistakes that you made, the hills that you climbed and the pain you saw through made me, us, who I am today. Don’t worry so much, everything will fall into place anyway. Keep doing you, life is going to be out of this world.
