How Much is Your Face Worth?

Hey Everyone,

So there’s this tag going around especially in the UK about how much our faces our worth. Well, we all know that the answer is “priceless”, but basically what you do is add up the prices of all your daily makeup products. Man, I feel like I’m getting my weight checked. I’m probably looking at around a hundred buckaroos since I’m open to using a mix of drugstore and department store makeup. I’m horrible with my money. I’m not too much an avid fan of getting new clothes (I don’t like trying them on at the store ..too lazy) but when it comes to make-up and food, it’s like, where did it all go? Let’s do some number crunchin’ while I peek through my fingers.

What’s the Damage:

* These are rough estimates. I don’t even remember exactly to the dollar how much they were worth, but this would be an honest bet. :)


1. Rachel K CC Cream ~ $35
2. Rachel K Mineral Pressed Powder ~ $39
3. Revlon Colorstay Whipped Foundation ~ $29
4. NYC Sunny Bronzer ~$10
5. Benefit Dandelion Blush ~$51


6. UDPP ~$32
7. UD Naked 2 Palette ~$72
8. Body Shop Brow & Liner Kit ~$30
9.  Maybelline Volum’ Express Ultracomb ~$17
10. Rimmel Exaggerate Automatic Liner ~ $7.99


11. Bobbi Brown Lipstick in Sandwash Pink ~ $25

Total: $347.99

Oh man, can I hide in a hole? It’s quite interesting to know that even the smallest things really stack up and I knew I was in for it when I  added the Benefit blush. It’s even crazier when you take into account exchange rates and the different prices these products can have all over the globe. I would say it’s worth it though, I love all the products I use daily. I guess to just pause, reflect and be like “whoa”! ;)

How much is your face worth?

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  • Sheri

    Haha I’ve seen many of these posts and many of them are above $100 xD
    Looking flawless is expensive but it’s worth it <3

  • saintvivi

    well I think you should be allowed to sorta subtract that number a little lower because the majority of those products come cheaper in other areas of the world. Besides what’s a beauty addict to do when the beauty world is just too pretty too resist, right? :) Speaking of said products, I saw you added revlon whipped foundation to your routine. It’s one of my current faves too, but I was wondering how you get the product itself out? I’ve been trying to figure out the most hygienic way but, its just easiest to use clean fingers. I also can’t decide if I like using my fingers or a brush better for application. Yourself?

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      That’s true! I use my clean fingers too, that or my Sigma synthetic kabuki brush. Since I’m in London now, the weather happens to be a lot different so I can use this as a normal foundation instead of a concealer. If that’s the cause, I just use my sigma F80!

  • Jae

    And this is just make up haha Try adding your skin care as well :P

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      haha i know right :P i was just thinking about that!

  • Tammy

    ;) hehe. totally started using the Rachel K CC cream because of you and am lovin it!
    miss you<3 hope you're well babee

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      thanks Tammy! Yep it’s good :) hope you are well too!

  • Jacqueline

    Do a review on the revlon whipped foundation please!

  • Ling

    Oh gosh I wouldn’t even think about adding my ‘face’ up… it might not even stop at $1000…
    My typical Asian mother would say “a cent of money for a cent of quality ” since I was little, after exploring through chemist and department stores, I actually agree that most of the times, good product tend to be pricier. I now reject placing cheaper product on my face:( it became a habit.

    The fact that we had to pay so much more in Australia didn’t help either (if you buy from Myer and David Jones,$120 foundation $48 mascara $280 brush set seems to be the norm) And I was totally shocked to see the huge difference between the price on Benefit US online store and Myer, David Jones, almost 50% higher?! I cant stop asking why?! WHY do we have to pay sooo much more for the same product, what is the tax and the department stores do to the price??

    Anyways, all I know is that I’ve already spent way too much and because I only have a normal make up usage, it is really time to do some subtraction. After all, there’s that few essential items that gets on my face often, the rest goes in the bin after their time has passed. After seeing people like you who could do so much with your make up and they are not necessarily the expensive ones, I realized that I have been throwing money into a pond and not making good use of it…

    Maybe it is time to hold that ‘shopping brain’ and get wise, invest that money else where. (well, that was said after placing numerous new orders online and a good visit to the make up and perfume department this weekend, but when the new product or palettes for next season shows up, the battle will continue….) ^_^

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      That’s true, we pay so much in Australia! Haha if I need to stop myself, I just make sure I use up a certain product before going out and buying anymore :)

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