Want a Box of Beautiful Surprises? VanityTrove.com & Singapore Giveaway!

Hey Everyone!

Don’t you hate it when you just want to try a product but you don’t want to spend a hundred bucks buying the full-size? Story of my life. Don’t you wish you could just get a sample of the product? Well, thankfully, there are now websites like VanityTrove that send you a series of samples every month to try to your pleasure. It allows you to try a range of products without dishing out the extra pennies so when they contacted me, I was happy to help them out to tell you more about this beautiful box of surprises.

VanityTrove boasts a great concept. Once you choose from a monthly or yearly subscription, Vanity Trove will hand deliver you a series of samples in a themed box. Whether it’s December and the holiday season or February and Valentines Day, you’ll never know what they’ll send you next. These samples may be from yet to be discovered brands or timeless and cult classics! Nevertheless, they will send you 4-5 hand picked and deluxe sample size beauty products. You can also send these boxes as gifts to friends and family. They were nice enough to send me their December box so let’s open it up shall we?

The box comes beautifully packaged! I was surprised, it was like opening up a high end package. In fact, I’m pretty sure Louis Vuitton packages their wallets and bags in boxes like these and you have to love the pink tissue paper! Hmm…

When you first open it up, you’re greeted with a nice letter from Vanity Trove describing the box. It’s like the Editor’s letter telling you about the theme. The December VanityTrove box is about pampering you with luxurious products this Christmas understanding that you’ll have those late night escapades and parties. They’ve hand picked the perfect beauty products to keep your skin hydrated and fresh-looking all the time!

Each box comes with a list of products that they’ve included in the box and a description of why it’s in there – this is really useful if you have no idea what you’re looking at! It’s nice to see that they put in a good amount of thought into what they’re putting into the box as well.

Well enough of the jibber jabber, let’s see what’s in the box!

1. Snail Street AC Trouble Mask

The 3 in 1 multi BioControl Mask contains snail extracts which helps to control troubled skin. Snail secretions help work on scarring by softening and dissolving existing scar and damaged tissues and rebuilds collagen and elastin.

If you have acne scars, then these masks are supposed to do you wonders if you’re brave enough to disregard the fact that they do contain a bit of escargot. A full size version of this baby with five sheets costs $32.90 but the box gives you two of them!

2. $50 Skin Inc (SkinC) Gift Voucher

I’ve always eyed that shop at the basement of ION that is SkinC and wondered what they’re all about. That shop is full of small little vials apparently and each vial does a different thing for your skin and provides a different supplement. You mix and match the supplements and basically customise your skin routine that way. Pretty interesting stuff and I look forward to putting this voucher into good use!

3. Dann’s Daily Coffee Beans

It might be a little silly, but these coffee beans smell amazing. Call it my half satisfied coffee addiction but when you first open this box, the aroma of these coffee beans hits you like monday morning at the office. They’re organic, alkaline coffee beans that give a full bodied smooth flavour. I reckon VanityTrove understands that we probably aren’t equipped to process these beans so if you bring these beans to Dann’s Daily, you can get a free cup of coffee. Their cupcakes are steamed as well.

I was happy to see these two babies included!

4. SK-II Facial Treatment Clear Lotion

This is a cult product and has made me curious for too long. It contains AHA, BHA, and Pitera (the star of the show) to remove residual dead skin cells and improve the texture and tone of the skin. It prepares the skin for moisturiser and serum and gives the skin a healthy glow. A full size will set you back SGD $114.

5. SK-II Facial Treatment Cleanser

If the lotion isn’t enough, there’s always the facial treatment cleanser. This baby is one of the most raved about skin products in the world. It’s a very thick and luxurious cream cleanser that moisturises and soothes with Wild Rose Extract and Pitera. A full size is SGD$89 for 120g.

and there’s more!

6. Lancome Genifique Youth Activating Extract

This little bottle makes you younger. I don’t know if it really does or not, but it claims to have “youth proteins” that eliminates the signs of ageing. It’s a pretty well-known product from Lancome to make your skin baby bottom smooth with ten years of research and a bunch of international patents to it’s name, I probably wouldn’t doubt it. A full size is SGD$ 245 for 75mL

7. SkinC Reinforce Ceramide Serum

This little vial contains four different types of ceramides to enforce the skin’s protective barrier. This prevents dehydration of the skin and protects it from harmful environmental factors like UV rays and can even help with eczema! Cool beans. A full size is SGD$128 for 35 mL.

8. Lancome Virtuouse Mascara

I’m excited about this one! I’ve heard so much about Lancome mascaras. This is supposed to help with volume and length for a bolder look while helping with definition for 12 hours. The brush and formula work together to dramatically thicken and lengthen lashes! A full-size is SGD$50!

And there we have it! I have to say that VanityTrove picked some awesome high-end brands to try out that I would have never tried out. Despite wanting to try the SK-II Facial Treatment Lotion, I probably wouldn’t be able to fork out S$114 for something that I haven’t tried out and that may or may not work out. This service is pretty nifty for people like me actually.

And it’s time for a Giveaway! 

VanityTrove was nice enough to sponsor three boxes for three of you in Singapore only. I’m sorry that this giveaway is not open for readers outside of Singapore because VanityTrove is currently a Singapore only service for the time being but wishes to expand outwards later on. Don’t worry, you know I have so many giveaways it’s getting ridiculous. But if you are from Singapore, then hear ye!

Giveaway Details (Ends Jan. 10, 2012) THE GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED!!

In the comments section below:

  1. Tell me your favourite month and why
  2. Write “Enter Me”
  3. Write your Email Address

For example

  1. I love the month of December because of the holiday season, family and Christmas always makes me feel all warm and fuzz
  2. Enter Me
  3. roseannetangrs@gmail.com

Good Luck!! Thank you to VanityTrove for sponsoring this post, do visit www.vanitytrove.com for more details and to sign up for your own boxes hand delivered right to your home! They send out the boxes on the 15th of every month and you will receive it in 3-4 days with the last day to register being on the 14th! It costs SGD $25 a month and subscribers can cancel anytime they want to!

To keep in the loop, be sure to join their FB page at http://www.facebook.com/vanitytrove.com for promotions, events and exclusives!



  • Shaza

    1. I love the month of July because it’s my birth month and my friends never fail to make it the best one ever. And it gets better and better each year! :D
    2. Enter Me
    3. shazalyn@hotmail.com

  • shonda charlton

    I love the month December cause its the only time my grandpa comes down to visit us.
    please enter me

  • Pepper

    1. I love the month of december cause that’s when I can enjoy all the yummy Xmas food.

    2. Enter me

    3. me.n.still.me@gmail.com

  • RynaQUE

    I love the month of january because it’s the start of a brand new year. Start everything anew, forget the things that happened during the previous year and just enjoy the new year!! :)
    Enter Me

  • Winter

    1. I love the month of August. The month I was born into the world and the month my besties’ birthdays & we will always be busy celebrating one another’s birthdays!~Furthermore its National Day! =)
    2. Enter Me
    3. cat86_99@hotmail.com

  • Chea Kylie

    I love the month of dec as it’ll be e time when my extended family will meet up. I felt that time is v precious esp spending time w your family as I’m a healthcare worker. Life is short, spend w/o regrets, live to e fullest.

    Enter Me


  • Li Fong

    1. November. It’s my wedding anniversary, birthday, and the month that my husband started courting me!
    2. Enter Me
    3. Nlifong@gmail.com

  • Lydia

    1. I love the month of January because it’s my birthday month and it’s CNY this year! I get to see relatives I don’t meet so often! Yeah!

    2. Enter me

    3. Boulevarree@hotmail.com

  • Dean Nguyen

    1. I love the month of March because that marks the birth of my twin and I, and not forgetting our parents’ love and joy that made it all happen~~~
    2. Enter Me
    3. dean_unik@yahoo.com

  • Jennifer

    1. I love February because its the month before uni starts (sometimes i get bored at home and miss uni), its my boyfriend’s, dad’s and little brother’s birthday all in one month, hence more fun celebrations and also, theres valentines day and Chinese New Years to look forward to ! :D

    2. Enter Me. :)

    3. Jennifer.tran@live.com.au

  • gilyn

    i love the month of december as its a period of giving and i can give away my clothes to the salvation army as well as buying xmas presents to my friends…;p;p;p

  • Sarah

    Ohh lovely products! Thanks for the giveaway~

    1. I love march as my mom and I are born on that month! What’s more we are only 10 days apart so we often celebrated it together.
    2.Enter Me =)
    3. friends_forever_1155@hotmail.com

  • Peggy

    1. My favourite month of the year is October, which is a long break from school work and having more time to spend quality time with family and friends!^^
    2. Enter Me
    3. peiqi24@yahoo.com.sg

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  • Jihoo

    1. I love the month of April because it’s my birthday month!
    2. Enter me!
    3. jihoopark@ymail.com

  • Christina Ong

    1. I love the month of December! it is filled with all the Christmas love and people start to reminiscence about the year and begin to look forward to the new year that is approaching (:

    2. sadistic_freak92@hotmail.com

    ENTER ME (:

  • nadya

    1. Hi..my fav month is november coz its my bday month and holiday mood starts to set in to everyone!

    2 enter me!



    1. My favourite month is December because it is the month I was born and also it has always been a great month every year, full of happiness and joy!
    2. Enter Me
    3. eeezaaac@hotmail.com

  • Nia Nasyitah

    1. My favourite month is June because its the one month holiday! (as well as the fact that its also my birthday month hehehehe :D)

    2. Enter me please!

    3. nia-nasyitah07@iamtemasek.edu.sg

  • Sandra

    1.My favourite of the month will be October as its my Wedding Anniversary Day! Its an unforgettable day for us!

    2.“Enter Me”


  • apple

    1. I love January! Because I am born on the first day of Jan!

    January is always a start to a new year – a brand new month with fresh hopes and many smiles :)

    2. Enter me

    3. apple_candy88@hotmail.com

  • Rachel

    1. My favourite month is June! I’ve got great memories of long holidays overseas, the general buzz of summer and lots of free time because of school holidays plus great makeup and clothes collections that are most appropriate for Singapore’s weather. Plus the weather’s usually good in June without too many rainy days.
    2. Enter Me!
    3. rach.tanki(At)gmail.com

  • corina

    1. I love the month of April because it’s my one true love’s birthday, it’s the month I always go on a long holiday to a faraway land and when my bonus is paid

    2. Enter Me

    3. lightangel_sg@yahoo.com

  • Jan S

    1. My favourite month is November because it’s my wedding anniversary and filled with wonderful memories.
    2. Enter Me
    3. jansunday7777@gmail.com

  • Kimberly H

    1. i love the month of may, because so many people are born during this month. i was born on may 28, and i love how the weather is always perfect in may (:
    2. Enter me
    3. Asmileforhugs@yahoo.com

  • loyi

    1.My fave month is June cos it’s always holidays and my birthday falls on 5th june too!
    2.Write “Enter Me”

  • geri

    I love the month of January because it promises new hopes, new beginning and new opportunities for all!

    Enter Me


  • Krystal

    1. I love the month of January as it is the start of another semester and another year of fun blogging:) Well, it is also the month of gathering where most of my friends get together for fun chats and gatherings.

    2. Enter me:)

    3. email.krystal@ymail.com

  • Felicia

    1. I love the month of January because it’s the start of a brand new year! *starts singing Start of Something New* it gives me a feeling of hope and anticipation for the brand new year. And the excitement you get while planning for your new years resolution (;

    2. Enter Me

    3. guardianangel93@hotmail.com

  • Erica

    1. I love the month December because that’s when there’s sales everywhere!

    2. Enter me

    3. lim_erica_94@hotmail.com

  • Nur Azri Talib

    1. My favourite month would definitely be June because first of all it’s school holiday, which means free from school! Secondly, it’s because it’s my mother, brother and sister’s birthday! :D
    2. Enter Me!
    3. azri0605@hotmail.com

  • Karen

    1. My favourite month would have to be november. One year older, one year wiser! It always give me a nice heartwarming feeling when my close friends and family take time off their busy schedules and celebrate my birthday, even if it is a just simple dinner.

    2. Enter Me

    3. hxx_karen@hotmail.com


  • adeline♥

    1.I love the month of july because it’s the month when majority of my friends’ birthday is!I know twenty three friends of which birth date is at july!Moreover its also my birthday month,thus,i always look forward to the countless of birthday party that i i will have to go!WOOHoo!~

    2.Enter Me


  • Emer Brennan

    I love the month of December..apart from Christmas it is also my Birthday the day before Christmas Eve super exciting!! :D
    Enter Me

  • Jien

    Favourite month for me is MAY! Because it’s the month before my birthday and the birthdays of my closest friends!
    Enter Me!

    Thank you Roseanne for another awesome giveaway!

  • Dorothy

    1. I love end November. I love it for it’s comfy cool weather when I travel overseas. I love it for the on-coming festive season, the getting of gifts and the meet ups with “let’s not wait till Christmas” excuses (more food!). And I love it that everyone is generally in a happier mood because of things to look forward to (annual leaves, celebrations, preparation process, etc).

    2. Enter Me

    3. visfort@gmail.com

  • Iris

    1. August, because I’m a Leo, baby! ;) Several of my friends are also bron in August, so it’s always a wonderful month of receiving and giving presents!

    2. Enter Me

    3. kanzaki_yukiko@yahoo.com

  • Risa

    1. I love the month of December because that is when all my friends who are busy during the year, will made an effort to meet up and catch up with each other. There is a feeling of warmth
    eventhough the weather is cold and rainy.
    2. Enter Me.
    3. lylin263@yahoo.com.sg

  • Snowy

    1. I love august because it’s national day and my birthday ;)
    2. Enter me
    3. imsnowy103@hotmail.com

  • Marilyn

    My favorite month has to be Dec coz being the end of the year, it gives you hope and something to look forward to in the new year (no matter how the year has been, you always hope for the next one to be better!). It helps too that its the festive month with Xmas and New Year! :)

    Enter me!


  • Tania

    Hi Sweety

    1. I love the month of March because i have my birthday and , my hubby and I , always to go to a hotel for a weekend break !

    2. Enter me please

    3. taniabonnici@hotmail.com

    Thanks !

  • Grace

    1.When I was younger I love the month of June as it is my birthday month as well as school holiday month. Now I like December because it is the month that most bosses and colleagues clear their leave and I don’t have to see the hateful faces of many, haha! Jokes aside, I like December because it is a cooler month :)

    2. Enter Me

    3. gracehoo12@gmail.com

  • Jayyy

    I don’t have a fixed favourite month, as it depends on the activities planned for the year. For 2011, I think it was August as I had a great holiday in Hong Kong :)

    Enter me please.


  • jm

    my favourite month has to be december, the atmosphere just seems merrier and life slows down. though the weather cools the heart warms up to the feel of christmas. as we look back wistfully on the events of the year, we must remember that the end of a year also marks a new beginning of hope.

    Enter me please~!


  • Andrea

    1. I love the month of February because Chinese New Year usually takes place in February! And I love Chinese New Year because I get to visit so many of my relatives and get red packets too.

    2. Enter Me

    3. unrequitedlove-@hotmail.com

  • Germaine

    1. My favourite month is January. It represents a ‘brand new start’ to me n it’s my birth month.
    January is when I feel all motivated to do all the things I failed in the prev yr & improve all r/s.. It makes me feel that I have ‘grown’ because I’ve learnt so much in the prev yr!! It feels good to be in January because all the bad memories is gone with the prev yr.

    2. enter me!

    3. oh-glamourouz

  • Germaine

    1. My favourite month is January. It represents a ‘brand new start’ to me n it’s my birth month.
    January is when I feel all motivated to do all the things I failed in the prev yr & improve all r/s.. It makes me feel that I have ‘grown’ because I’ve learnt so much in the prev yr!! It feels good to be in January because all the bad memories is gone with the prev yr.

    2. enter me!

    3. oh-glamorouz@hotmail.com
    Sorry fr the double post!!!

  • Belle

    1. December! My birthday falls on the last day of Dec and also the last day of the year
    2. Enter Me
    3. bellefoo@hotmail.com

  • Jennifer

    I just realised its singapore only. LOL. Dw my entry :) Sorry !

  • sherlync

    my favorite month is November,it’s my birthday month as most of my friend’s birthday are around this time,plus christmas and new years come soon after~ it just feels like a period of celebration~ :)

    enter me


  • Yvette

    1. I love December! I have 2 months worth of school holidays! And the weather in Singapore is so much cooler than the rest of the year. I wouldn’t say July is my favourite month although it is my birthday cause I will grow older!

    2. Enter Me

    3. yvettechia@gmail.com

  • annsleyw

    1. I love the month of December because it’s when my favourite holiday Christmas is. It also heralds the coming of my other favourite holiday Chinese New Year.

    2. Enter me.

    3. pure_love@hotmail.com

  • Susan

    1. My favorite month of the year is January.
    January is my favorite month because it starts a new year, and is the month of my birthday, and it’s just a really nice month, after the holidays it’s more of a relaxed calmed down month and it’s just fantastic! :) I love the beautiful fresh snow too, in January, here in Chicago, IL USA :)
    2. Enter me, please ;)
    3. Susan.kavroulakis@gmail.com

    I really hope I win, I never have luck with giveaways and can’t really afford high-end products.

  • Clo

    1) In 2012 I am going to loved the end of May, because I am planning to go on a Europe Trip with my mum for 2 weeks!! It will be my first long hual trip, so I’m uber excited and looking forward to it. =D

    2) Enter Me

    3) lin_clover@hotmail.com

    p.s: Don’t you love holiday trips ^-^

  • Ella Wenting

    My fav month of the year is Jan because its my birthday month and it is also a new start for me.

    Enter Me.


  • Shermain

    1. I love the month of december because there is so much happening! There is christmas which is my favourite holiday and new year!
    2. Enter me
    3. shermainnn@gmail.com

  • Joy

    1. I love the month of December because it puts everyone in a festive and giving mood. It’s a time for gatherings, and it is also a timely reminder to cherish such special moments with family and friends.
    2. Enter Me
    3. looknookhook@gmail.com

  • gym

    1.I love the month of May as it usually means exam time, but it also implies that holiday is coming in June! :) we study hard, but we play hard later too, isn’t it!
    2. Enter me
    3. abandonapple@gmail.com

  • eliza

    1. I loveeee Dec for all the festive season & food! :D Gotta wait another year for Dec again!
    2. Enter me
    3. elizaheartyou@gmail.com

  • Catherine

    1. I love the month of Dec because it’s the holiday season with loads of gifts, food and beauty limited edition products!
    2. Enter Me
    3. Catherine@bbunk.com

  • Hazel Li,

    1. I love the month of August because I had a great time in MBS watching fireworks, it’s my birthday too which I spent a great time with my sis (who don’t live with me). I end my internship with company. Great month for me!!! ^^
    2. Enter me
    3. haz_se@yahoo.com

  • Jamie

    March- month of celebration for me, my sister and now, my boyfriend and his dad and his mum’s birthdays! A blissful month long of celebrations and cakes :P

    Enter me :)


  • Rusty

    Tell me your favourite month and why: January! Because I always like a brand new start! :D
    “Enter Me”
    Email Address: musicplayson.rusty@gmail.com

  • wickermoss

    1. I love the month of January because that’s the month that GOD gave life to the man who I have my entire happy life to spend with!:))
    His natal day is 22 Jan . just 8 days away from yours:))
    2. Enter Me
    3. wickermoss@hotmail.com

    Thanks for always sharing your blessings..

  • Nina

    1. I love December because I love the warm Christmas feeling and it’s when school’s out!

    2. Enter me!

    3. icygems92@hotmail.com

  • Irissa Nur

    1. My favourite month would probably be November. Its when the school term finally ends and I have 2 months to look forward to before next year. Plus, its when the sales come out and I can go shopping!
    2. Enter Me
    3. irissanur@gmail.com

  • Mandy

    I love the month of December because it is the month of my birthday and it is the holiday season (holiday in the full sense of the word- rest, travel and xmas ;))

    Enter me

    shumina (underscore) 87 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  • Esme

    1. I love the month of July because it’s my birthday month and it’s one of the sunniest months in the year.

    2. Enter me.

    3. malicious_queen89@hotmail.com

  • wenny

    my favourite month is may because that is my birthday month where i can get presents and lots of birthday treats.

    enter me


  • Nadya

    November. It reminds me of the day a person, besides my parents, told me that I am worthy, in every sense of the word, to be loved :)

    Enter Me


  • Ruth

    1.I love the month of December because I get to visit my best friend who lives in NZ. Road trips, heart to heart talks and indulging in smoked salmon and the best steaks. Its a month to look forward to every year! x

    2.Enter Me


  • Valer

    1. I simply love the month of decemeber as there’s so much of pretty decor everywhere in town and the festive mood of gifting is amazing!

    2. Enter Me

    3. shimmeryluvdust@gmail.com

  • Joan

    1. I love the month of January because its the birthday month of my boyfriend, my best friend, and me, and that means lots and lots of celebrations, gifts and love! :)
    2. Enter Me
    3. mj.joan@gmail.com

  • Ain Jura

    1. i like the month of June because it is my birthday and school holiday. Thats the time when My family had a numerous gathering and spend crazy time together!

    2. ENTER ME!

    3. sweet_ain070@hotmail.com

  • Dindin V.

    1. I like the month of January because it’s a start of a new year which means it’s another chance for me to begin a new hobby.
    2. Enter Me
    3. dstutaan@gmail.com

  • Sugar Ashley J

    1. I like the month of November because not only does it mark the beginning of the festive season, but it’s also my birthday month!
    2. Enter Me
    3. sugarashley@gmail.com

  • Terri Peng

    1. My favorite month is August because I love the fall and the weather settling down, but it hasn’t been too chilly yet! Also I love the start of school, oddly enough.
    2. Enter Me
    3. territheasian at yahoo dot com

  • Shirley

    1. I love the month of August because that is the month I married my best friend – the love of my life
    2. Enter me
    3. wafucake@yahoo.com

  • Yamini

    January – there is always something to look forward to at the start of a brand new year :)
    Enter Me

  • Sonia Lee

    1. My favorite month is August because besides, being my birthday and anniversary and National Day, the weather is at its best this time of the year.
    2. Enter Me
    3. leesonia@live.com

  • Atin

    1. I love the month of December because in 2011 is my last year of having the number “1” in my age & when 2012 arrived, i’ll be seeing “2” and new challenges and experiences awaits me! :D

    2. Enter me

    3. atin14@hotmail.sg

  • Fatin

    1. I love the month of September as my uncle, granddad, aunt, cousin, bestfriend and my birthday falls 1 after the other.. A reason to get together and celebrate..

    2. Enter me

    3. ezy_concept@hotmail.com

  • kristy

    1. my favourite month is april because my birthday falls in that month. it’s also my boyfriend’s birthday month since his birthday is 2 days after mine so april is really a time i look forward to celebrate our lives together.

    2. ENTER ME! (:

    3. kristynsy@gmail.com

  • Esther

    1. December! Because it is Christmas time and the holiday time! Love the spirit of the holiday everywhere!
    2. Enter Me
    3. esther.brigitta@gmail.com

  • mandy

    1. I LOVE the month of January, simply because it’s the first month of every year. It’s a fresh start for everyone, every year!
    2. Enter me!!

  • Florence W

    1. My favorite month is December cos you can simply feel the festive atmosphere by walking down Orchard road plus that’s when all the Xmas sets are out …. hee hee.

    2. Enter Me

    3. florling@yahoo.com

  • Puteri

    1) I LOVEE NOVEMBER CAUSE WELL, FIRSTLY ITS MY BIRTHDAY!! second because school ends during that time of month !

    2) ENTER ME !

    3) puteriramdzan@hotmail.com

  • Nichelle

    1. My favorite month is January since it is the start of a new year and for more opportunities to come. Additionally it is my birthday :) and my other half’s too!! So its a month full of celebrations and basically love.

    2. Enter Me please..

    3. nichelle.n7@gmail.com

  • Jessica

    1. My favourite month is December because most of my friends studying overseas come home during this month and we have our yearly gathering! Also, December’s the month I have more time to spend time with my family and friends, plus it’s Christmas <3

    2.Enter Me
    3. jessicatanliting@gmail.com

  • Esther

    1. I love the month of January because it brings the freshness of sunshine after the dreary rainy season of December! (:
    2. Enter Me
    3. loke.estee@gmail.com

  • amy

    1. i love december because it’s a time for celebration. it’s also when everything winds down in anticipation of the new year.

    2. enter me

    3. bluetransparency@yahoo.com

  • Bhavani

    1.I love the month of December because it’s always a month filled with joy and happiness where u finally get to have a good holiday spent with family and parents! & not forgetting Christmas where the joy of giving spreads among ppl from all walks of life.
    2. ENTER ME
    3. Coolamad_25@hotmail.com

  • Viv

    1. I love the month of December because I always go on a vacation trip overseas with my family in that month. We seldom spend time together during the rest of the year as we are all busy with our own things and the vacation allows us to spend some time together :D
    2. Enter me
    3. spark_of_life89@hotmail.com

  • Bun Bun Makeup Tips

    1. I love the month of January or February, depending on which month Chinese New Year falls in! It’s the month of the year where I eat without thinking of the consequences. LOL!
    2. Enter Me
    3. bunbunmakeuptips@gmail.com

  • Klara-k

    1. I love the month of december & april cause December it’s my birthday & april is the month where i fall in love.:) years ago with my bf.
    2.Enter Me
    3. Clara_2465@hotmail.com

  • Geeta Patil

    1 I like the month of august as it is my birth month in which I get all the gifts I demand, specially with my mom 
    2. Enter me
    3. geeta.apatil@gmail.com

  • Danae

    1. my favourite month would be December, where X’mas is! i love receiving presents, but it’s awesome to give presents as well! it’s a wonderful way to end the year.
    2. Enter me!
    3. email: thechocolatteholic@hotmail.com

  • shannon

    1. I like Febuary best! Because my birthday is in there, And every Febuary I go and visit My friends grave :)
    2. Enter me!
    3. shan_hal@hotmail.com

  • roseannetangrs (author)

    The giveaway is now closed! Entries from this point onwards will not be valid! Good luck everyone!

  • Ren

    I really want to join vanitytrove..
    But so bad mom doesn’t let me to use her credit card and also I live in Indonesia so kinda troubled with the shipping things.. :(

  • Arron Kwasnicki

    Can you please send me the code for this script or please let know me in detail in relation to this script?

  • ligia caldwell

    October is my favorite month because the days start getting chilly and I anticipate the holiday season like a countdown

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