5 Things I Bet You Didn’t Know About Being a Top Beauty Blogger!

Hey Everyone,

I think to some degree, we somehow have this misconception that beauty bloggers live a somewhat glamourous life. Alright, I have to admit. We get to go to launches as V.I.Ps and eat canapes while the PR agencies try to spoon feed us information, get free products and spa treatments and sometimes we get to come home to a wonderfully wrapped package from The Body Shop or Crabtree and Evelyn that leaves our friends scrambling to wordpress to make their own blogs. Heck, we even get recognised by some of you on the street, even when we’re out buying a vacuum cleaner at Big W, on the tram, at the checkout counter at Priceline, at Uni, on a girl’s night out in Singapore, at the airport in Penang, walking around in Sydney, having a mcflurry with your best friend or even changing at the gym (you know who you are ;)). It sounds amazing, doesn’t it? It sounds a little like the life of a mini celebrity without the hoards of fans and the pressure to look good 100% all the time but although it sounds like a bed of roses, coming from me who has done this gig for two years or so now, I’m not afraid to say that what happens behind the scenes isn’t always like eating out of the Ritz Carlton buffet. Here’s 5 things to being a beauty blogger that’s not talked about much. We have to remember that with all great things come pain staking efforts before it.

1. It’s a One Woman Show

It’s a one woman show, babe. Everything that you see before you. These words that you are reading are typed by one person (right now it’s 2 AM in the morning), me. All the text you see in those widgets, all the replies you get when you email me, all the videos you watch on YouTube, all the pictures you look at and all the giveaway pictures you take instructions from. All that which may be the work of a PR agency, Model, Photographer, Make-up Artist, Writer, Editor, Graphics Designer, Brand Manager, Marketing Expert, Social Media consultant, customer service hotline – all that work is bundled into one and that person is the blogger behind it all. When I was back in Singapore the last holiday, there were only three days on which I could really call my own – the rest were spent meeting up with companies, going to events, friends, bloggers, family. Yeah, it gets tiring sometimes, but we do it for you for free because we love what we do. My mom says to me when she comes down the stairs at 7:30 am in the morning and I’m taking blog pictures because the light is better at this time that this blog is the only thing that would wake me up this early. True that. It’s a one woman show but when it’s what you love doing, it’s a show worth giving your best for.

2. Working with Companies and PR Agencies – You want me to do what?

It is an undeniable fact that blogging and bloggers today are becoming prime cuts of meat to PR agencies and the marketing departments of relevant companies. Bloggers provide what I call a one-stop solution – they provide companies with the celebrity, the photographer, the writer and editor and the media channel in one convenient SEO optimised location. Plus, we are either free or a tiny fraction of the cost of putting their stuff on TV or in a magazine. It’s like a marketing dream come true. Don’t get me wrong, some companies and PR agencies are the best and I’ve built great relationships with their representatives. The ones that are the best recognise bloggers as people and passionate writers who aren’t just in it for money and games. Whether it is taking the time to acknowledge us by name or writing that they are a supporter of what we do, or giving us an appreciation gift, it’s good to be personal and genuine. But, there are the ones who get it all wrong. Bad ones do the exact opposite – they have expected deadlines when there is no compensation involved, pushed tons of products to the blogger expecting her to review all of it and post up reviews of all of them, or tried to lure the blogger to write positive reviews with candy coated rewards if we don’t mention anything bad. It is our own values of honesty and integrity to shy away from these and to pick and choose who we want to work with. Honestly for me, because of the number of requests I receive, I have no problems saying no because after a point, free product doesn’t mean anything to me anymore – it just gets added to my pile of free stuff – what matters is the relationship I build with you and if my readers will benefit from this collaboration which is why I do so many giveaways. It means more to me to give it away to you than to have it for myself. Even when I’m at an event or getting a treatment, I decide to be professional about it. I’m not enjoying the facial, I’m thinking of what I’m going to say in the blog post, making sure I take a mental note of each step and how it makes me feel. My hand reaches out to take awkward photos of a person doing a painful extraction on my face – rarely is it one that I can just enjoy unless the company gives it to me as a token of their appreciation (like my first full body massage!).

3. Working with the Press – Wait a Minute, I didn’t say that…

I’ve been featured in The Straits Times, Straits Times Urban, LianHe Wanbao, SPH Razor TV, I-S Magazine and Yahoo! amongst others and so I can probably say that I’ve had some experience with the press. I’ve learnt that they don’t always say what you’ve said in an interview. They’ll likely re-phrase what you’ve said in a way that may sound more interesting for them to work with and integrate into their own articles, however positively or even negatively biased they may be. I’m not taking for granted the press I’ve been in, all the journalists are great, it’s just that I’m honestly not sure that I’m being 100% truly represented in their articles. For SPH Razor TV, I was interviewed as one of the top haulers in Singapore and my video was called “I eat less to shop more” which isn’t true at all. Press and publicity is great, it means you’re doing something right but don’t be disappointed when it comes up at your door and its slightly skewed.

4. Camera-Shy

Taking pictures by yourself of yourself for a tutorial could possibly be one of the most awkward things ever, not to mention bring the word “camwhore” to another level. To be a blogger, you are basically becoming a professional camwhore. But, instead of having a professional photographer come in, you’re on your own girl. My very first time filming a video was taking my digi camera and propping it up on a tissue box and then a few text books on top to create my self-rendition of a tripod. I have a pro one right now. When I take my photos for my blog, I make sure that there’s a mirror behind it so that I can see what exactly I’m taking to save time. Knowing your angles and how you look in photos is an important asset for every blogger just because beauty isn’t just about taking pictures of product, you’re part of it too. People want to see the make-up on real skin. You’re trying out the product on yourself, it’s no surprise that my mom calls me a Guinea Pig.

5. I’m Just Like You

It’s past 2 AM in the morning, I’m breaking out because I haven’t slept much the past few days mainly concerning the fact that I have a Retail Management exam on Monday and I’m trying to post everyday on the blog just to make sure that the transition from old to new goes smoothly. I wake up in the morning, check my email on my blackberry, flip open the macbook and do this gig till 9AM and then I start studying until about 5 or 6 and then I get back to this gig. If I have free time, it will be spent on what I love doing and what I love doing is this. I’m a 20 year old girl who’s in Australia for University and my parents are back home in Singapore. I get tired sometimes. I like having dinners with friends, McDonalds cheeseburger meals after a night out = best thing ever, and who doesn’t like fro-yo and any food that starts with the letter C is awesome, just think about it. I’ve loved, I’ve been heartbroken, I’ve travelled quite a bit, I’m a mix of things I reckon but most of all, I’m pretty much just like you. What you’re reading are my words. Why, hello there. I’m typing on my macbook on a Saturday morning at 2:03 AM right this minute, all the lights are off, I’m on my bed and under my blanket in my pajamas and the only light that’s shining on ma make-up less face is from the screen. Call me anything you want but I’m real. I’m a person. I’m not this thing that’s typing all these words or making all these videos. I’m Roseanne. Nice to meet you too.

So I hope you learned something from this text-filled post. I guess the lesson learnt is that all great effort is the mother of great things and I work my butt off on this blog to get where it is today and I have only hopes for it to be even better in the future! ;)

Are you a beauty blogger? Write back to me in the comments section or ask me any questions!

Do remember to share or like or tweet this post if you liked it!




  • yve

    hey roseanne! just wanted to say that you’ve inspired me to set up my own beauty channel and blog! :) the learning journey for me’s been really fun cos I’m doing what I’m passionate about! you’ve got an awesome website and beauty channel! you definitely deserve to be where you are now :) keep up the awesome posts! :D

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      Thanks yvette! I’m going to check out your blog when I wake up tomorrow morning, I think I should go to sleep now hehe. Thanks so much for your support :) I’ll keep writing for people like you!

  • Nur

    I sooo agree with u babe! Blogging is definitely lots of work and u need a lot of passion and enthusiasm for it too.

    I’m loving your new blog btw. :D

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      Mhmm :) thanks dear!

  • Bun Bun Makeup Tips

    Great post, dear. Compared to you, I’m really new to this blogging business and haven’t built such a strong reputation in the beauty community. I hope to get far one day!

    I totally agree with points 1, 4, and 5, but have no experience whatsoever with 2 and 3.

    Any tips for a budding beauty blogger?

    You’re a great inspiration! =)

  • Vani Sagita

    I am soo inspired by you and I love how you keep calm in all of your hectic schedule. I’m just starting to be a beauty blogger, I hope I can be just like you! :)

  • Szesianne

    Hi Roseanne! I absolutely agree with all your points in this post! As it is, I find youtubing to be quite rare among Singaporeans as it seems to be a rather new thing for us and it’s easy to think how glamourous it must be! When I started watching all the videos sometime last june, I was psyched to start youtubing and blogging. Since then I’ve probably filmed over 10 videos that I’ve filmed and just not uploaded simply because I didn’t think the quality was good enough. When I started filming sometime beginning of this year, I probably spent more time figuring out the best angles, type of camera, focusing, lighting etc to make sure that I don’t upload sloppy videos. It was really fun filming and I do love makeup, just never knew how much work went into it! Then initially it would take me almost half a day to edit the entire video. That was even before I started blogging… It’s so interesting to find out new things everyday, but needing to juggle university deadlines and exams while updating my blog and doing videos, really gets me in a frenzy sometimes.. I’m so glad you posted this because it makes me feel a little better that I’m not the only one who spends such a long time on this, that I’m not doing something incorrectly heh. I’m still only starting out, and wanted to ask if you have friends around you also doing beauty blogging and stuff because I know only one other friend! And sometimes, it gets a little lonely.. I can’t seem to find many regular Singaporean youtubers too.. Wonder if you feel the same? Could you share if you know more Singaporean youtubers I could follow? =) thanks again so much for your post!

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      Hey love! good luck with starting everything :) Yes! Check out Sarah Chaudry (facesbysarah) and icyabstract ! love those girls :)

  • CrazyGirlfriend

    I really enjoyed your post, I am completely new to beauty blogging, however, I really enjoy it, and even though I haven’t experienced anything mentioned in the article, there was a moment, where I thought, ‘hey, i am doing you a favor’, do you really need to treat me that way? won’t go into the details though.
    However, the few brands I am on the way of building relationship with, have been really nice and helpfull.

    p.s. you are so pretty!

  • saintvivi

    I think….that what you said was beautiful. I only recently discovered your blog, and I have to say I am in love. Your efforts and dedication really shine through. I have to say you were the first blog I really found that gave me the honesty, in-depth quality, and personality that really made me feel like I am in your hands. I trust your opinion. I have to say you are a spectacular woman, and it has just come to my attention, right now, this moment, that I have started to read your blog to see how your life has developed….YIKES! that sounded creepy. Sorry. But truly. I admire what you’ve made with yourself and the principles you’ve stood by. All that’s left to say is “carry on”.

    • roseannetangrs (author)

      thanks dear! comments like these really make my day and thank you for reading my blog! :)

  • Sabrina

    very nice post! i like it! somehow i am not famous, but i do experience some of above situations. i have it when companies pushing me to write a blog post with a deadline. hate it hate it hate it! and there a re some companies that really take care of the relationships. no pushing and deadline. it sweet… i love blogging, review things and i some how wanna make YouTube videos. but i don’t what that kinda center of attention. i wanna be normal and do thing i like. i don’t want fame. People can talk and hurt you sometimes…

  • Fenny

    OMG Roseanne, you always inspiring people. And you are one of my inspiring :) I need to learn more and more from you how to become a good blogger. I wish I could talk in front of camera so can learn how to do the youtube blogger ;(
    I still keep thinking that my website not good enough to give more information to the others. Ahhh love you so much :)
    Awesome Roseanne and awesome post. ^.^


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