How To: Smudge that Liner – A Simple Everyday Smokey Eye Tutorial

Hey Everyone,

We’re all looking for that look we can wear everyday – to school, to a party or to work. It has to emphasize all the right curves, can’t look too over the top but still take a really short time to do up in the morning. So, here’s a look to solve your problemos. Little do we know that smudging your eye-liner creates a nice, sexy but sophisticated smokey eye that suits your everyday requirements. All you really need is a lighter shadow, a darker shadow, a great smudgeable liner and something to smudge it out like a q-tip or in this case a pencil brush. Hopefully this quick tutorial will help you save some time in the morning!

Step 1: Apply a base. Here, I’m using MAC Prep+Prime, in the video, I used the Urban Decay Primer Potion. This is the key to eye-shadow success, you must prime your lids. It makes your shadows more long lasting and vibrant.

Step 2: Use your favourite eye-shadow brush and pack on a frosty sand shade. I love using the MAC 217, it’s a very versaitile brush. The shadow featured here is Stila’s Wheat.

Step 3: Apply the sand colored frosty shadowy goodness all over your eye-lid. This will create a dewy look.

Step 4: Find a dark brown frost shadow, I’m using Shiseido BR618, and apply it to the tip of your shadow brush so that you have a point to work with.

Step 5: Apply this to the lower part of your lids blending a little into the Outer V.

Step 6: Use a smudgeable eye-liner, like Urban Decay’s Zero, and use it to line your top lids

Step 7: Before it sets, use a pencil brush or even a q-tip to smudge the liner.

Step 8: Define your eyes furthur by lining your waterline and tightline

Step 9: Apply your mascara. I’m using Covergirl’s Lashblast. It’s such a good mascara.

and you’re finished! What am I wearing today? It’s unfortunately pretty cold in Melbourne right now so I’m in love with my new scarf from New Look, I got it on sale for $13! It’s super soft. I’m also wearing a brown dress from Mango, a faux-pearl necklace from Diva, some tights and a pair of…

Suede wedge booties from Rubi Shoes!
I hope you liked the tutorial!
Of course, I always go for neutrals. What eye-shadow color combinations do you usually wear?


  • lacedivory

    this is pretty! ;)

  • roseannetangrs

    thanks lacedivory!

  • Anonymous

    do more outfit of the days. i like to see what you wear to university because sometimes i don’t know what to wear.

  • roseannetangrs

    I shall do that :)

  • darlene morris

    i love it it easy and fast thank you i hate to sit there and take 20 mins and the makeup does not come out the way you wanted it but this is so pretty i love it if you dont mind can i use this idea so i can try it out much love to ya sweetie xx

  • Runwaytoparis

    You look amazing with the scarf. Not everyonone can put on with a scarf and look amazing but sure thing you do!

  • roseannetangrs

    @darlene morris: of course you can dear, I make tutorials so that you and everyone else can try them out too :):) thanks for liking it :D

    @Runwaytoparis: thanks dear!! :)

  • xbeanie

    Totally dig the scarf. Btw meet up soonnnnnnn

  • roseannetangrs

    yes please and thank you!

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