Beauty News/Giveaway: What’s New and Cool at LUSH? —-GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED!—–

Hey Everyone,

Whenever I swing by a LUSH store Australia, I always grab a copy of The Lush Times. This newspaper of smelly goodness is a directory of all the products that LUSH will offer for that season including new items and items that are very much loved by you and me. So, I’ve decided that since many of you aren’t in Australia or aren’t able to grab a copy of The Lush Times, I thought I might bring it to you online.

Here are my favourite picks from The Lush Times that I thought were pretty cool. I bought a giftbox from Lush a while back and I was going to give it all away to one person but I thought that breaking up the prize would be an even better idea so that more people can win something. You’ll see the details of the giveaway at the end. Let’s go, shall we?

1. Orange Blossom and Gorilla Perfume?

These are apparently new products to the range. LUSH has taken over the scent scene. In this picture, it features the different sizes and kinds of scents that they will be offering. The percentages indicate how concentrated the different formulas are. I think the Gorilla Perfume atomiser is so cute.

From those different variations, come the different kinds of scents you can purchase. I’m really interested in the Breath of God scent which is a blend of cedarwood, sandalwood and lemon and melon while Smell of Freedom (available in May) is a complex blend of herbal, woody, spicy and oriental scents to create a masterpiece. Lust also looks good – it’s a pure jasmine that offers a very seductive scent. Very cool.

2. Emotibombs

These aren’t new products but i’ve always thought they were a cool concept. Because most of us don’t have bath tubs, LUSH created emotibombs that you put on the floor of the shower. When the water from the shower head hits the emotibomb, fumes of happiness come up and it makes for a pretty wonderful shower.

The names are pretty funny. I would like the Up You Gets. I like taking showers in things that wake me up. It’s a lemon, lime and grapefruit disc. Yum!

3. Glorious Mud

This is a body mask and fizz! Weird combination, I know. Once you add water, you can let the cube fizz and put it all over your body . It’s full of Aloe Vera extract, Rhassoul mud, and sesame oil to re-hydrate, soften and cleanse. It also has a warm vanilla fragrance. Yum.

4. Feet Things.

I have to say that my feet are probably the most neglected body part I have. Again, I love things that give a powerful jolt and I reckon the “Running to the Embassy” body butter with tingly peppermint, pumice and cocoa butter would do very well for a foot bar :)

5. Lush Does Hair Dye?

Yes, now they do, plus as always, they try to go low on the chemicals so now they’re using the best henna and essential oils to create rich cocoa butter blocks for basically chemical free hair color. Interesting.

6. Zit Zapper – Grease Lightning

This thing uses aloe vera, rosemary and tea tree gel to zap zits. Who knew?

7. Lip Tints

A variation of  tinted lip balm. I have the one in Snow Fairy, I’ll do a review when I can. :) I have it on my lips and for a first impression, I love the hot pink color that’s subtle and it feels fairly smooth on my lips. It’s not very hydrating though and gives almost the same feeling as a matte lipstick.

8. Knot Wrap – Lush turns even more environmentally friendly

These are LUSH branded vintage scarves that you can use to carry things. It comes from the Japanese art of Furoshiki which means “cloth for the bath” and it promotes caring for the environment and is also an eco friendly wrapping cloth. You can choose from Lush’s selection of products and have them wrapped in this instead. Lush also offers recycled pots for bath bombs. Good on you, Lush. Don’t kill me, but I still prefer your paper bags please.

ok, so before you throw a fit and tatrum asking “where’s my giveaway??” Ok, ok, it’s right here:



On this blog, there are three items up for grabs.

Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub – It smells so yummy and smooth lips ahoy!

Prize #2: Rockstar Soap – A LUSH classic

Prize #3: Honey I Washed the Kids Soap :)

Conditions of the Giveaway

1. You must be a follower of this blog. Look at your right to see how to follow the blog – either by onsugar or by Google Friend Connect :)

2. This is international but make sure I’ll be able to post to you from Australia and that you’re comfortable with giving me your address

3. This ends on Saturday, March 5th, 2011

What do I do?

In the comments section…

1. Tell me your favourite LUSH item or item you wish you had from LUSH and why?

2. State which prize you want

3. State your email address

4. State your username that you followed me with so that I can check back

Example Entry:

1. My favourite product from LUSH is the Amondopondo bubble bar. It smells so good and its super relaxing after a long day

2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub


4. roseannetangrs


The other two items – Snow Fairy Shower Gel and the Candy Cane Bubble Bar will be given away on my Facebook Page this week. Stay tuned on (




  • amyrleex

    1. I have not tried any Lush product before and wld like to try the whole range of bath bombs! :)

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub


    4. amyrleex

  • MakeYuUp

    I went to LUSH this week and got the newspaper as well, it was so sad that I found it so much more interesting than normal newspapers lol I’ve read it so many times now!

    Anyway, enter me please :)

    1. My favourite LUSH product is the Porridge soap, because it’s so soft and it scrubs your skin and it smells divine!

    2. I’d like Honey I Washed the Kids please :)

    3. My email is

    4. And username is MakeYuUp under GFC :)

    Thanks for hosting this, I’m gonna go catch up on the other posts now ;P

  • Meesa

    1. My favourite LUSH item would be rock star soap, because it smells really good, i feel like a rock star bathing with it ;P

    2. The prize i want is the bubblegum lip scrub

    3. my email :

    4. Meesa

  • heeseung93

    1. i love the Handy Gurugu Hand Cream . thats the only product i have but i love it >< 2. i would love to receive Bubblegum Lip Scrub !! >< 3. 4. heeseung93

  • madlynny

    1. My fav is the Honey I Washed the Kids soap. Smells so heavenly!

    2. I’d like to try Bubblegum Lip Scrub because I already have Honey I Wash the Kids and Rockstar soap!


    4. madlynny (onsugar)


  • yumemisakai

    1. My favourite product is the Ultra Bland Cleanser! I think it works amazing on my skin and its the only lush product I own right now cause Thailand doesn’t have Lush ): I get it when I go to Japan!
    2. Prize #3: Honey I Wash the Kids Soap!
    4. yumemisakai

  • effloresce

    1. I don’t have any items from Lush, but I’d love to try some of their soaps, especially Honey I Washed the Kids Soap because I love the smell and taste of honey and have heard great things about this particular scent!

    2. #3 Honey I Washed the Kids Soap


    4. effloresce

  • Kara Sanders

    My favorite is buffy. It smells so so so good.

    I would like to win Rock Star soap.

    karaksanders at gmail dot com


  • natassjaz

    1. SEANIQ bar shampoo cos its makes my hair squeaky clean!

    2. Rockstar Soap


    4. natassjaz

  • bijouxrain

    1. Vanishing cream – my current moisturizer! Lush is not avail at Sg so when i went to the US for a holiday and saw lush i was screaming inside! I got a bunch of their stuff and this is definitely my favourite! It’s for acne prone and oily skin and it does it’s job amazingly! It keeps my face fresh but not looking too drying! Love this!

    2. Bubblegum Lip Scrub


    4. bijouxrain

  • NA21istm

    1. I have tried their Honey I Washed The Kids bar soap and I fell in love with it! I love the smell of it, and how it makes my bathroom smell like vanilla kind of smell! Love it so much! It makes me relax too!
    2. I would love to win the Rockstar bar soap!
    4. NA21istm

    Thanks! (:

  • Tin Solis-Kiok

    1. My ultimate favorite Lush items is the Sex Bomb. Its actually the very first item I gave my then bf (now hubby) on our 1st month together. It smells so good and is so refreshing when used.
    2. I want the Bubblegum lip scrub
    4. Tin Solis-Kiok

  • elizaheartyou

    1. I LOVE hippy happy! :D fave body wash ever! :D
    2. I have the other 2 items so I want honey I wash the kids soap! never tried it! :D
    4. mybeautyjunkie

  • naffy

    1. I have never tried anything from Lush before)):
    2. I wish to have the Bubblegum Lip Scrub :D Since my lips are alwaysssss flakey);
    4. naffy

  • gerrinic

    1. My favourite lush item is the Blackberry Bath Bomb because their Ballistics range is so fun and awesome how they frizz in the bath. Blackberry is highly refreshing and soothing to the senses :)

    2. Prize #3: Honey I Washed the Kids Soap


    4. gerrinic

  • tensunrise

    1. I would love to try lush as I have not bought nor tried any yet :(

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub


    4. tensunrise

  • greenthreads

    1. I have yet to try anything from Lush but those furoshiki clothes are soo pretty.
    2. Honey I Washed the Kids Soap
    4. greenthreads

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  • Jeanita

    1. I have never tried LUSH before… so really looking forward with this giveaway :)

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub


    4. Jeanita Yansen

  • gilmangirl

    1. My favourite LUSH item is LUSH Avoshower. It’s a shower gel that has a very nice and yummy lemony-scent!

    2. Bubblegum Lip Scrub.


    4. gilmangirl

  • stardust066

    1.Haven’t tried anything from lush,but the bathbombs look awesome.
    2. I would like the rockstar soap

  • peachyandblue

    1. Honey i washed the kids soap!! favorite scent from lush-

    2. #3 Honey i washed the kids soap!


    4. peachyandblue

  • gettygetty

    1. i don’t have favorite item from lush..because we don’t have lush in i will be very happy if i win this giveaway
    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub
    4. gettygetty

  • laragilua

    1. I really love their lip scrubs and lip balms. I usually have dry lips and I don’t know why. But with their products, I always have smooth, soft, and moisturized lips!
    2. Prize #3
    4. laragilua

  • snowy103

    1. I have never tried lush item cos they are really pricey! But i would love to try honey i wash the kid!
    2. Prize #3
    4. snowy103

  • dily-cious

    1. I’ve never tried a product from LUSH & would want to try the Rockstar Soap! It has a cool & funky name & its in my favourite shade of pink!
    2. Prize #2: Rockstar Soap
    4. 디리스루

  • Irene Soh

    01. Been hearing a lot abt Lush products from friends but never really had the chance to try my hands on any. So may this be my chance.

    02. Prize #3: Honey I washed the kids soap.


    04. Followed via twitter: ireneyksoh

  • llydiall

    1. fresh farmacy! :)

    2. bubblegarm lip scrub :)


    4. llydiall

  • GenevieveDS

    1. I love LUSH buffy. It makes my skin super soft.
    2. Prize #1 Bubblegum lip scrub
    4. Genevieve Dos Santos

  • gwenned

    1. i love using the porridge soap, smells heavenly ;D

    2. Rockstar soap


    4. gwenned

    Thank you Roseanne! :D

  • Runwaytoparis

    1. I guess my favourite product from lush is only Honey i washed the kids soap because that’s the only soap that i tried from lush! I love the scent!

    2. Rockstar Soap


    4. Followed on onsugar : Runwaytoparis

  • Ida Erin Chan

    1. Favourite LUSH item i wish i had from LUSH: Emotibombs coz like u said most of us dun hv bath tub but we can still enjoy lush products with a shower instead..

    2. Prize #1 Bubblegum Lip scrub


    4. Ida Erin Chan

  • Roberta23

    I wanted to try the second prize, the lip scrub.

    Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub

    Berta (GF)

  • xindy94

    1. My favourite item is the honey I washed the kids, however i never tried it, but i heard lots of nice things about it:)
    2. Prize #1 Bubblegum Lip scrub
    4. xindy94

  • darlene morris

    i have never tried lush before my sister tells me it really good i would love to try it
    i would like anything really but the rockstar and honey i washed the kids look so cute i would love to try that
    youtube-blog-twitter destroydj0503
    facebook-darlene morris
    thank you for this giveaway it means alot and much love to ya sweeetie xx

  • Kerasia

    1. I would like to try Bubblegum Lip Scrub cause everyone on youtube talks about it!!!
    2. Bubblegum Lip Scrub of course!
    4. Κερασια, or Kerasia or Kasy1978 . I follow you via google

  • TatiAbaurre

    1. I love the bath bombs, all of them! After a long day I love being in the bath tub with one of those :)

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub


    4. TatiAbaurre

  • Aaaaaleeex

    My favourite LUSH item is Think Pink Bath Bomb, because it smells delicious and, hell yeah, it’s PINK!
    I’d like to get the Bubblegum Lip Scrup. :)

  • aislinn97

    1. My favourite product from LUSH is the Butterball bath bomb. It smells so good , its super moisturizing and relaxing. :) What more could I wish for?

    2. Prize #2: Rockstar Soap


    4. aislinn97

  • chelseaturpin

    1. my favorite product from lush is the comforter bibble bar but I don’t have a bath anymore :( just a shower!
    2. I’d love to try the rockstar soap!
    3. chelseaturpin

  • aiiya

    1. I have actually never tried any lush products so I don’t really have a favorite , but once I try something from lush I’ll definitely tell you my fave lol.

    2. I love having soft lips so if given the chance I’d definitely choose the lip scrub :)


    4. aiiya bebe

  • meiQiuezinclassyvintage

    1. I haven’t tried anything from lush but really crazily want too try it so badly, seriously!For sure! I think I definetely will so in love with it’s raining man which is definitely smell like Honey I washed the kid soap they said! I really heard so many good things about this stuffs! yay! giveaway!Thankyou :))
    2. Prize #3: Honey I Washed the Kids Soap
    4. meiQiuezinclassyvintage

  • Eve777

    1. My favourite product is pop in the bath bubble bar. I love it beacause it smells really good and it was my first product i ever bought from Lush.
    2. I really want to try Bubble gum sugar scrub or honey i washed the kids – i LOVE that smell :)
    3. Eve777

  • jchanx3

    1. My favourite product from LUSH are the bath bombs
    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub
    4. jasmine

  • Annie He

    1. SEX BOMB! because it makes bath time super fun!

    2. ROCKSTAR SOAP. (:


    4. XiaXia

  • lillxo

    1. My favourite product from LUSH is the Porridge Soap. It smells like oatmeal and molasses, and the granules exfoliate really well.

    2. Prize #3: Honey I Washed the Kids’ Soap


    4. LilliChantilly

  • Marsbeauty112

    1. I haven’t tried any lush products, but would love too. I am most interested in trying lip scrubs which is why I would love to win the chosen prize.
    2. I would like to win the Bubblegum Lip Scrub.
    4. Marsbeauty112 via Google Friend Conenct

    Thank you for having the giveaway. :)

  • Anonymous

    1. I love the Winter Bath bath bomb from the last Christmas collection!

    2. Prize #3: Honey I Washed the Kids soap


    4. honeylustre with Google friend connect

  • kelseyhi

    favourite product from LUSH is the honey i washed the kids soap because it smells amazing and makes an amazing lather

    2. Prize #3: honey i washed the kids soap


    4. kelseyhi

  • connie yang

    1. I wish there was a Lush store here in California but there isn’t so i have not tried any of their products and i am dying too! Following the beauty community on youtube for many years i always see Lush hauls and reviews and i really want to try but i never have a chance to. I really want to try the Lush shampoo bars! they seem really interesting! :)

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub


    4. connie yang

  • igotnocookieforu

    1. My favourite product from LUSH is 9 to 5 cleansing lotion; i use it to take off all my eye makeup!

    2. Prize #3: Honey I washed the Kids soap


    4. AmyC googlefriendconnect

  • rhaindropz

    1 My favourite product from LUSH is the honey i washed the kids soap because it smells so clean and fresh ^_^
    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub
    4. rhaindropz

  • makeawish2468

    1. i’ve been meaning to try out the lip scrub cause i hate having flaky lips for lipstick.

    2. the lip scrub!


    4. nina shi

  • janetshear131

    1) never tried any LUSH products before.. :(
    2) bubble gum lip scrub
    4) jshear131

  • kerplonk

    1. Angels On Bare Skin! I’ve heard really good stuff about this cleanser which is good for dry skin. Only problem is that there aren’t any Lush shops in Singapore.

    2. Honey I Washed The Kids soap


    4. kerplonk

  • Nou Xiong

    1. Although I have never tried anything from lush before I have heard a lot of rave about it. I wish I had the Caca Rouge Mama henna hair dye. I love henna, so I was very excited to find this… so awesome!
    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub
    4. tavanlovessword

  • Refinnejam

    1. My favourite product from LUSH is the Magic Mushroom bath bomb! For one, it looks just like Toad from Super Mario Bros! And two, IT SMELLS AWESOMEEEE! Before I used it, I just kept it in my drawer to smell every now and again, heh. Smells good enough to eat!

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub


    4. refinnejam

  • Princess Jae

    1. My favourite product from LUSH is the Brazened Honey Fresh Face Mask. I find that this mask instantly awakens a tired face also locking in lots of moisture.

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub

    3. princess.jae–

    4. Princess Jae

    Thanks for this comp Roseanne ^^

  • Rinny's Beauty Diary

    1. Emotibombs because I hear a lot of rave reviews on the bath bombs, but I don’t have a bathtub >.< 2. Honey I Washed the Kids soap 3. eva_s_151[at]yahoo[dot]com 4. GFC - Rinny

  • Ct Kathy

    1. My favourite product from LUSH is the Emotibombs. It is one of the coolest product I’ve ever came across!!!

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub ( I’m a lip product Craze! Ha ha…)


    4. Sitti Khadijah / sittikhadijahbtemuhamad
    (Most likely the 1ST one..I’m not so sure.. SORRY!!! I followed you through Google Friend Connect)

    Enter me, enter me!!! LOLS! Thanks for the giveaways ya… You rocks!

  • Anonymous

    Well i havent tried any because i dont have one near me :(
    but i would like to try the bath melts because im told they are amaaazing :) if i won i would like Prize 1 xxx

  • tsubahime

    1. My favourite year round LUSH product is Blackberry Bath Bomb. My favourite Christmas item is tied between Candy Cane bubble bar and So White bath bomb/soap doll, and my favourite Valentine’s item is Magic Mushroom <3

    2. Prize #2: Rockstar Soap


    4. tsubahime

  • Ana Belén

    Enter me please! I’ve not tried any Lush product yet, but I’d like to try some lips products. They looks fantastic and very soft!!!
    Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub
    Following via google, as fisiwoman.
    fisiwoman at hotmail dot com

  • lacedivory

    oh i’ve seen the emotibomb before! it’s a cute idea. :)

  • Anonymous

    1. My favorite Lush product is the Honey I Washed the Kids soap because it smells so delicious. Every time I visit the store I run straight to the soap so I can smell it.

    2. Prize#1: Bubblegum lip scrub


    4. Twitter: Keemersy

  • rayhanaaskare

    1. Sex Bomb, the color is soo pretty and I love the smell!!!

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub


    4. rayhanaaskare

  • Akmalina

    1. I would love to get their lip scubs! I’ve heard so many great things about it. and i’ve never own a lip scrub before.
    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub
    username: google connect akmalina_contagious

  • oOShiny

    1. My favourite product from LUSH has got to be the comforter. I love the pink water, the lovely smell and the bubbles last forEVER!

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub :)


    4. oOShiny

  • Gobilina

    1) I’ve never owned any Lush products since there aren’t any Lush shops where I live, but I’d sure love to try the Emotibombs. How clever to spread their products for those who don’t take baths but take showers!!
    2)Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub
    4) Margaret Gobey or MEGSY

  • TammyGirl

    1. I would absolutely love to try LUSH Orka Conditioner, because my hair needs to be revitalized after using different hair products, hair coloring and heat styling. This is just what the scalp ordered! :)
    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub
    4. TammyGirl

  • Rebecca Butler

    1. My favourite product i’ve tryed from lush would have to be the Whoosh shower jelly I love it because the scent is so citrusy and very refreshing and awakening. Also I love how it can be used for both body and hair. 2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub
    4. BecccaaaaButlerrrrr

  • crimsonroses

    1. My all time favourite product from LUSH is Honey I washed the kids! It smells lovely, and feels just as lovely on my skin!

    2. Prize #2: Rockstar soap


    4. crimsonroses

  • blueeeyore

    1. LUSH Big shampoo. cos my hair is limpy.

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub


    4. blueeeyore

  • CherylDee

    1. My favourite product from lush is porridge soap because it’s amazing on my skin!
    2. Prize #2: rockstar soap
    4. Cheryldee

  • Sasha!

    1. I really want to try R&B hair moisturizer because my hair is unfortunately quite damaged and in need of some serious conditioning!

    2. prize #1 bubblegum lip scrub


    4. xlovechild

    Thanks for the giveaway =)

  • Justine - LushLove

    1. My favourite product from LUSH… for soap that would be Rockstar because it smells like bubblegum and it is PINK, period! :) While for bath, I love The Comforter… smell is very comforting, right whenever I need some me time during bath time.

    2. Of course Prize #2: Rockstar soap

    3. hello[at]justinebiance[dot]com

    4. MissEffortless via GFC

  • babeyqpid

    1. I have SO many fav’s from LUSH. I guess I would have to pick the Sympathy For the Skin body lotion. It feels so luxurious after a long hot shower. It moisturizes my skin wonderfully.

    2. Prize #1: Bubblegum Lip Scrub

    3. Email:

    4. iris.nguyen (google connect)

  • Mia Del Valle

    My fav product is honey I washed the kids and snow cake yum :)
    I would love rockstar soap :)
    I followed with Miarose914

  • roseannetangrs

    MARCH 5, 2011 ——— 8:15 AM ==========================
    entries beyond this point will not be counted!

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