Product Fightoff: Maybelline Dream Matte Powder vs. MAC MSF Natural

Hey Everyone!

I got a little request a while back by the lovely Jay, asking:


Jay has been with me since the very beginning so of course anything she asks I do. Haha. Check her blog out here:! and this is a great question for all of you wondering what exactly is the difference between the drugstore Maybelline Dream Matte Powder and the department store MAC MSF Natural. Simple, really.
From a consumer view, Maybelline Dream Matte Powder compared to the MSF Natural…

1. is much lighter on the skin

2. has a lot less coverage than the MSF Natural

3. has a less finer and smoother powder

4. doesn’t oil up as fast as the MSF Natural does

5. is much less expensive

6. Both set foundations well and don’t have any skin side effects

So which one do you prefer?

Well, again it depends. I use the Maybelline Dream Matte as an everyday powder – I don’t need as much coverage, it doesn’t oil up as fast and it does the job down pat. Sometimes it’s good that it’s not super smooth and flawless because I feel like I’m wearing less. However, if I know I should look absolutely perfect for say an event, I will use the MAC MSF natural because the consistency of the powder allows for such a smooth finish but watch out if you have oily skin because it might oil up faster throughout the day. The coverage is great as well. So, it really depends.

Honestly though, if you don’t care about being as flawless as you can, the dream matte powder is a great powder. It’s light and it sets your makeup while making it last longer. The main selling point I think is the price. At 46 bucks, the MSF Natural is pretty much too expensive to have as an everyday powder because you might run out – as you can see. This one is actually my third. While the Maybelline does run out fairly fast (this is my second) – at half the price, it’s a 2 for 1 deal so it’s much more wallet friendly. Both have it’s benefits and setbacks, but both do the job.

What do you think?

xx Roseanne


  • sandra163

    hi sweetie! Can we find Maybelline Dream Matte Powder in sg?

  • hazelnutt

    Hi Roseanne, I back you up on your take on this.
    I feel that the Dream Matte powder wears better than the MSF natural and that it has better oil control than the latter.

  • icyabstract

    I’ve always been curious about the Dream Matte Powder and how it good it is etc!

  • amyrleex

    wow! i was just pondering on the Dream Matte Powder and whether I shld get it.. great review! :)

  • beautyprincess

    I should try out Maybelline one for my skin is quite oily at nose! Thanks for comparison!

  • Sprinklerain

    Hi Roseanna! Is the Maybelline Dream matte Powder available in Sg? How about Eco-Tool brushes? I’m from Brunei btw and I love your blog. Will have a trip to Singapore at the end of the month and Makeup will be a definite in my shopping list!

  • roseannetangrs

    @Sandra163: I’m not sure, someone said you can but I haven’t seen it in stores yet! I’ll let you know :)
    @hazelnutt: haha yep! def. better in the oil control department
    @icyabstract: haha it’s a great powder. At first I’m like nothing special, but its tons cheaper and its good as a foundation setter :)
    @amyrleex: thanks hun!
    @beautyprincess: no problemo! my nose gets oily too
    @Sprinklerain: I’m not sure if the powder is available in Singapore actually but Ecotools is for sure available at Watsons :) That’s awesome that you’re from Brunei, I loved it when I visited quite a while back :) Hope you enjoy Singapore when you come for a visit!

  • snowy103

    Hey roseanne may i know what shade do u use for both the mac msfn and dream matte powder?
    I am NC25 and am really interested in both products but i am not sure of which shade to get!
    Need help!

  • sandra163

    thank u so much sweetie! waiting for ur new on the MDMP ya!

  • roseannetangrs

    @snowy103: I’m an NC30 with MAC and sand with the Dream matte :)
    @sandra163: haha what’s MDMP? don’t remember ;p

  • feistyskies

    Thanks much Roseanneeeeee! I will love you forever :) Have already placed an order for the Dream Matte powder thanks to your review! :)

  • feistyskies

    HAHA omg how didn’t I see this? I cracked up! “Jay has been with me since the very beginning so of course anything she asks I do.” I still clearly remembered your first video and how we were discussing about Coastal Scents palettes back then! Good times :)

  • AutumnCandy

    Wow I’m so tempted to try the Dream Matte Powder now. Thanks Roseanne!

  • roseannetangrs

    hahah that’s right Jay, good times!
    no problemo AutumnCandy!

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