Roseannetangrs Report: IMATS Sydney 2010

Hey Everyone!

I was lucky enough to visit Sydney for the weekend. My dad made a last minute decision and decided that I was big enough to go somewhere myself. I chose Sydney mainly because of IMATS and free accommodation thanks to more than wonderful friends.

Honestly, IMATS was pretty amazing but not as amazing as I expected. I guess all the YouTube gurus on the web really hype up the event and just the thought of meeting those gurus in real life makes the event cooler than what it’s really for – and that’s a hub for makeup artists. In fact, it probably wasn’t as exciting for me because I’m not a make-up artist. I like beauty products from a consumer perspective of what’s available on the market and having palettes of makeup or professional theatre makeup wasn’t my forte. Nonetheless it still made an experience to remember. Let’s take a photo journey shall we?

The event took place at the Sydney Convention Centre – it was a beautiful day. Warm, sunny and absolutely lovely.

The venue was full of stores including Make-up Forever, prices were about 10% off – not much of a steep discount. MUFE HD Foundation was selling for sixty something and the Matte Velvet for 54 something.

Lot’s of brushes..from a brand I had no idea existed.

Ok, seeing Enkoren in real life was pretty cool.

He’s a really nice guy and I got to talk to him in person!

Naked Cosmetics! Didn’t get anything..wouldn’t use pigments for much. Not into buying something I won’t use.

Wooo. It’s OCC lip tars. The stock after lunch, not many left at all.

She was the tallest, thinest model I had ever seen.

The Alice in Wonderland Makeup Fashion Show was beautiful!

Lot’s of these on the spot make-up make-overs.

Alice in Wonderland Contest’s Ben Nye!

So Roseanne, let’s cut to the chase, what did you get?

Honestly, not much.

A lip and foundation brush from Crown Brushes. Most of the brushes they sold were low quality ones very similar to the ones sold from Coastal Scents and Ebay Stores. They even had the no name 88 palettes and were selling them for $30 each.

I got these anyway as they were very cheap. The lip brush was only like 4 bucks and the foundation like 17.

Got my hands on some OCC lip tars finally – Strutter, Stalker, Pageant. I’m going to do an OCC Lip tar review next so swatches will be up then!


This is the first setting spray I got to know of back in the early days of YouTube even before I started YouTube videos. Of course I had to get it.

I think the best part of IMATS was meeting people, including Cendana who I always talk to on twitter and on Facebook! Maggie, who came up to me in the queau and Holly who I’ve met before! :) And then six of you who saw me and didn’t come up to me commented on my latest video haha, you should have said hi sillies, I would have love to meet you! We all hung out after for some lunch and just to sit by Darling Harbour.

Overall, an awesome time. The video will be coming up soon including IMATS footage.



  • linnera

    Ohh… great haul… But I cant believe that some of the iitems u mentioned are overpriced… But… Seems like fun still!!!!

  • roseannetangrs

    @linnera: thanks love! Yea, it wasn’t very cheap so I didn’t end up getting much :P It was fun though :)

  • forensia

    the view in that last pic was great, would love to sit there and enjoy the view myself.

  • Reyenal

    You look gorgeous & glowy babe.. :) nice haul.. Now then i know how IMAT environments feel like thanks to you.

  • blushfully

    Crown actually does sell their brushes to other companies, I think Coastal Scents is one of the companies who restamp Crown brushes. Sydney weather was so amazing during the day, I miss it already! It was so so so nice to finally meet you in person, Roseanne!! ^^

  • blushfully

    Oh and by the way, I rechecked, and the palettes were apparently $30 each, but $50 for any 2. lol… still quite pricey, yeah…

  • roseannetangrs

    @forensia it was a beautiful day, Sydney was amazing :) You should visit sometime!
    @Reyenal: haha thanks babe :) and yep IMATS was pretty good but not all that it’s hyped up to be if you aren’t a professional makeup artist :)
    @Cendana (Blushfully) Oooo ok, thanks for the info babe! Yea, still pricy for something on ebay but around the same price I reckon. So nice to have met you as well!

  • icefrost

    Ah i wish i could go to IMATS, just to have a look (: Thanks for the photos (: Got really excited even though when im not there, haha.

  • musicplayson

    You and Cendena look sooo pretty! I wish I could have gone with you 2! Haha. And model in a bottle! I’ve been wanting that for quite some time now! Review k? Haha. Glad you had fun! :D

  • EyelynerFreak

    I spy Model in a Bottle! Was wondering… do u see them being sold in Meyr or elsewhere? Thanks, love!

  • amyrleex

    awwww! Enkore!!!! i love to have seen him in person, he’s awesome.. :) **gushing**

  • Greenflower

    I went to IMATS too and I thought about getting the 88 palettes. Was $50 overpriced?

  • roseannetangrs

    @icefrost: aw! no problemo love :)

    @musicplayson: Thank you! I will do a review of it soon, smells kind of grandma-ish haha

    @EyelynerFreak: hmmm nope, haven’t seen it anywhere but at IMATS :(

    @amyrleex: yea! he’s one of the first gurus I watched so it was pretty amazing seeing him in real person

    @Greenflower: Well, I reckon they are, ebay is cheaper I assume. :)

  • blushfully

    You can still get Model in a Bottle from the online makeup store =) (if you live in Australia)

  • lacedivory

    wow u’re lucky! i’ve been wanting to attend an IMATS somewhere but they never have it in singapore! i think i wanna go to the one in london next year! it’s the closest to where i am at the moment in france. exciting. how much were the tickets for u though?

  • roseannetangrs

    @lacedivory: hahah yea they don’t :) and that’s so cool you’re in France, the tickets were $35 and $40 at the door

  • roseannetangrs

    @blushfully: thanks Cendana!

  • heavenlygorgeous

    Do a review on the Model In A Bottle ok! Wish Singapore has something like IMATS too!

  • Ali Price

    I didnt get many shots of my ‘Alice’ from the competition so I was v happy to see this one. thx Roseanne. Ali x

  • roseannetangrs

    Ali, your alice was amazing! :)

  • roseannetangrs

    and Mya, I’ll try too :) don’t parti. like the smell though :(

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