Duty Free Haul – Chanel Rouge Allure & YSL Rouge Volupte :]


I’m home, I nearly forgot how good the food is here. Roti Prata, Nasi Lemak, my mom’s cooking, onnomnom beats by far the sandwiches, hot chocolate and..more sandwiches that I had during Uni. It’s good to be back, but with any flight (which I got to ride for the first time the A380, awesome!) comes Duty Free Shopping!

Earlier in Melbourne there was a sale at the Duty Free store in the city with everything being 30% off, I just had to get my hands on some YSL that I’ve been stalking on Sophia’s blog (www.retailtherapy.onsugar.com). I had to try a Rouge Volupte, and I threw in a brow pencil since each cost me about $25 AUD only with the Duty Free and the sale going on. Btw, the sale is no longer…on. Here’s that webcam twitter pic that I posted, but I never got to blog about it, so here we go.

My baby says hi btw, she totally needs a haircut!

Just 4 things, but things I would never purchase at the regular retail price because its much too much expensive. The Chanel lipsticks I got at the airport for thirty sum dollars which was about the price of a MAC lipstick in Australia anyway. I thought it was for sure time to get some Rouge Allure thanks to Sophia’s posts too! But I must say, money well spent.

1. YSL Rouge Volupte Lipstick – Beige Ultime

An absolutely beautifully designed lipstick. In real life, it feels heavy, solid, well it better be for the price you’re paying. There’s also a really cute mirror at the end and the lipstick is superbly pigmented. I’m not too much of an experimentalist so I decided on something neutral, something I could wear everyday so I decided on Beige Ultime, probably the most muted of all the shades.

I personally think the colour is much more pigmented than swatched but again, its similar to my original lip colour, but with a bit of a boost which is what I wanted. It’s super smooth as expected, not as nothing feeling as Shiseido but it kicks MAC’s sometimes too dry *butt*. A little heavy if I were to say anything at all.

2. YSL Brow Pencil – #2

Disappointed with my Benefit Speed Brow which turned out really uncooperative, thick and hard to blend, I needed another brow pencil anyway and with the discount, I was totally up for it. It draws a thin dry line but I haven’t done it on my brows. Benefit’s speed brow for me is totally a miss, much too waxy and too soft so i was totally happy at this one’s dryness. If that’s a word at all haha.

3. Chanel Rouge Allure Lipsticks – in Darling, & Super

I was browsing the Dutyfree counters at the airport and totally decided to just leave the temptation when i spotted Chanel’s new collection. I had always read Sophia’s posts about these beauties and decided to just try it on my lips. Oh my gosh, I thought I was applying fluffy clouds on my lips, the formula is absolutely amazing. I had to get them! I settled on a safe neutral colour, Darling, and the more bold pink that I’ve always wanted in Super.

The packaging is for one absolutely amazing, super sleek black with the Chanel logo in gold printed on the top, push it up, and the lipstick pops up ready for you to use. It feels so expensive honestly, well yes it is, but these are special, they feel special.

Darling – looks a little more neutral than pink in the picture:

& Super – pink lips are hot with black haired beauties :)

Speaking of black hair, I want to change my hair. I’ve gotten horror stares after I said that to a few people, but yea I think we all come to a point when you’re tired of it. But I’m not extreme at all,  that’s not the person I am but I was thinking of changing my hair colour to dark brown and layering it with a trim more, I don’t know if it should have loose waves through it :) I dunnoe, :)

I regret buying so many MAC lipsticks, look forward to a blog sale soon.


xx Roseanne


  • musicplayson

    Love those lippies!! :D And they look all sooooo gorgeous on your lips! :D

  • roseannetangrs

    thank you!!

  • FacesBySarah

    welcome home bbygirl!!!!

  • adorebeauty06

    the pink lipstick is gorgeous!

  • roseannetangrs

    thanks Sarah!! and Diana, yea, it’s even more vivid in real life, gorgeous colour, are you up for an onsugar meetup soon loves?

  • retail_therapy

    Hello! Welcome back!
    That YSL RV looks super pretty and great for everyday!

  • eclecticsatire

    Welcome back!! Duty Free shopping is always so guilt-free for me, even more so when they have sales! :P

  • roseannetangrs

    thanks Sophia! and thanks for always having lipstick posts and I agree, it is great for everyday and eclecticsatire, thanks! I agree, sales + duty free = magic :)

  • charlenejudith

    Hey Roseanne! Welcome back to our sunny little island!!! (: I love the YSL one, in Beige Ultime. (:

  • heavenlygorgeous

    AAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! YOU GOT SUPER!!!! ;) Anyway, welcome back to Lion City, Roseannelove!

  • amyrleex

    welcome home! superb haul!

  • feistyskies

    Welcome home! Aah yes, meetup soon :) Missed you like crazy!

  • roseannetangrs

    @charlenejudith: Thanks love! yea, its beautiful!

    @heavenlygorgeous: haha Maya, it’s not here in SG anymore, btw, i think its my holy grail..it stays on for the whole day…even with eating. I LOVE Chanel!

    @amyrleex: thank you! and thanks!

    @fiestyskies: thanks!! yea meetup soon, miss you loads too :) haven’t seen you in too long missy :)

  • heavenlygorgeous

    Yeah! It’s limited edition! But i won the one in Genial from Joey’s Space giveaway. ;)

  • roseannetangrs

    Aw yay, it’s the best lipstick ever!

  • heavenlygorgeous

    I can’t wait to use it!!!

  • icefrost

    Welcome home! Well spent on the lipsticks (: The chanel lipsticks are so good to look at…oh ysl too (:

  • icyabstract

    That’s an awesome haul, and welcome home! :D
    I’m all for you changing up your hair! It’ll be fun, I always found simple things like a trim or changing of hair color very refreshing.

  • everbluec

    Awesome haul! YOur lips look so supple and sweet with those lippies!
    Welcome home.. your baby look so cute… she can’t take her eyes off you! lolx

  • roseannetangrs

    @heavenlygorgeous: use itt :P

    @icefrost: thanks love! and yea, def. money well spent, even the eyebrow pencil is amazing, *jumps around with joy*

    @icyabstract: thank you hun! Yea, i’m getting it done today, I really need to cut my hair, looking like rapunzel haha and maybe a shade lighter but still keeping with the dark :)

    @everbluec: thanks! ahah yea she gets my massage morning, afternoon and night. :)

  • ovi

    roseanne,, which one do you like better ysl or chanel? i mean which one more creamy and stay longer on you?

  • roseannetangrs

    YSL is more creamy but the chanels feel less heavy. It’s super smooth and I like the Chanel better imo :) both have similar staying power :)

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