Another The Beauty Club Sponsored Benefit & Dior Show Extase, Erno Laszlo & Update










I’m officially in exam season, that means me hidden in libraries with my nose in books, lectures, past exams and my mouth covered in chocolate. There are now officially 185 of you on this, and I feel that I have abandoned 185 of you but my excuse? Well, school. But also that it’s just easier for me to talk on a camera, edit it and upload it :) For me writing takes a bit of time if I really do want to make some sort of meek statement.

Here is my review first on Erno Laszlo, I put a lot of effort in the review including me at 7 am in the morning with my pjs on demonstrating for you the skincare, so if the fact that it is about Erno Laszlo doesn’t entice you, I hope the latter will.

Basic Summary:

Erno Laszlo is one of those systems that you wish worked for you. But it didn’t. In the first few weeks, it was pretty magical stuff. I had never experienced a skincare that made me feel so clean and in the review, you can see my skin glow because boy does it make your skin glow. In the video, that’s me without any makeup on, no creams, just straight off the regime. Loved the glow. However, as time progressed, my skin got worse. My skin just wasn’t liking it at all, blemishes, blackheads, the works and I’ve realized that my skin can’t actually take creams, oils anything close to more than a moisturiser and it doesn’t like toners either. My skin is, I’ve learnt, a minimalist. All I need is an acne gel cleanser (my gel cleanser of choice is Oxy Facial Acne Prevention with Triclosan, living proof that skincare doesn’t need to be expensive) and my Proactiv repairing lotion for trouble spots. A sunscreen for protection perhaps before the make up goes on and that is it. On seriously dry days, I use what is left of my Biotherm Aquasource gel and it’s all good in the hood. I’ve decided that I will be declining all offers of skincare systems with creams and oil products, heavy duty ones from now on because it just wouldn’t be fair for the company because I know my skin won’t like it.

The regime also takes more time and water than any other regime I’ve experienced so if you’re in a drought prone place or always in a rush, this probably isn’t for you. The reality of the skincare system is shown in the video, so go watch it!

Other than that…

I miss home more than ever and I’ll be flying over on July 6 for about 2 weeks, then back to uni again. Oh and plus, I’ve been sponsored two products from The Beauty Club ( I’m always impressed with their shipping, so fast, even without the priority and shipping is free! Def. Plus. They included a nice card this time and I didn’t pick the products, the invoice just arrived in my inbox and me of course was overjoyed to see this in the mail:

1. Benefit Miss Popularity Precision Highlighter

SO cute.

Interesting applicator, I totally expected it to be a liquid and ta-da it’s actually a powder. Looks like one of those powder shadow tip applicators.

Here’s a swatch. Shimmery white, with gold and silver reflects.

2. Christian DiorShow Extase Flash pumping mascara!

I would insert photo but maybe later. So excited to try out the mascara because I heard Diorshow is amazing! Especially extase. As for highlighters, not a big fan but we will see how these go. I believe the Miss Popularity is a discontinued product but is still available on The Beauty Club and Strawberrynet.  I guess these are on my to-do list again but exams are always priority..

I’m still on my makeup ban. It’s nice to start buying more clothes which I haven’t really been doing much of. I’ve been mainly buying chocolate actually because I eat when I’m stressed out. And I’m hungry right now actually. When you see me in july, don’t scream haha. But, I’m trying to control :) I haven’t been tempted to buy make-up.

I do want to start experimenting with drugstore makeup though – mainly trying out the Maybelline Pure Sensational Lipsticks, yea Pink Please is in store for like 15 bucks each or more? Quite expensive. I wanna try that Loreal Roll On too and maybelline quads. Drugstore here I come! (Once..exams are over..which means makeup ban is over..) But, I feel pretty content with my collection right now. I have a huge haul from Sephora coming up in June because my friend, Darlene :):) was nice enough to attend to my HUGE wishlist >.< But, since when can I take advantage of this opportunity right? Life of a makeup junkie.

Also life of a uni student – it’s the wee hours of the morning and I shall attend to dreamland now with a 9am lecture (my last lecture of the semester happens to be 2 hours long). I dreamnt of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory last night, I was one of the kids, it was awesome! Talk about a current chocolate addiction lol.

I miss you all and can’t wait to see you soon :)

xx Roseanne.


  • sophieanna

    Benefit! I love them.

  • sabs

    oh i love miss popularity! it’s like their high beam, but in a powder – which is great because sometimes high beam messes up my powder foundation. however, i thought they stopped making miss popularity? was it just the US that lost it?

  • roseannetangrs

    @sophieanna: haha yep! Benefit is good stuff, I initially didn’t like brand because of the limited color ranges of things but now I’m starting to really like their products. Benefit Bad Gal Lash is really good and I like the Hoola bronzer, really looking forward to trying Benefit Dandelion as well :) Not a fan of the brow pencil though!

    Sabs: Yep! they stopped making it actually but The Beauty Club (who sponsored me) and I thnk also strawberrynet still stocks it :)

  • icefrost

    Good luck for your exams! (:
    Christian DiorShow Extase Flash pumping mascara for free? You must be so happy now!

  • roseannetangrs

    thank you! haha yea, thanks to the beauty club :)

  • icyabstract

    I’m the same, I eat when I stress out too which isn’t good. I start eating chocolates too and since I sleep so little I end up breaking out in the end. Blehh.

  • roseannetangrs

    aw no, I sleep though..ish. but yea hehe chocolate, hopefully lose the weight in singapore :P i shocked my parents with my weight gain at the airport last time but lost it all over the break haha, they were like, “we can do this” haha

  • icyabstract

    Haha aw your parents are too cute!

  • roseannetangrs

    haha yea they’re funny :)

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