Sponsored Haul: Erno Laszlo – The stuff Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, and Jackie Kennedy used!

Hello Everyone,

I know, I know, I have been absent for far too long. But before you whip out the ruler, I have been concentrating on school, uni, commerce, and subjects. You know the boring stuff of my life (sort of). So it’s justified! I have just gotten fast internet, changed my provider and I don’t particularly feel like doing work right now because I am in a celebratory mood. Yes, faster internet makes my upload time dwindle from 11 hours to 1 hour. What’s not to love?

If you’ve been following my twitter (which you should at: www.twitter.com/roseannetangrs), you’d know that I’m currently using the Erno Laszlo products that were sent to me a few weeks ago but I never put up the haul video because I wanted to wait for my faster internet.

What’s Erno Laszlo?

It’s the stuff Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Jackie Kennedy used and other A-list celebrities in the 1930s. In fact, this was the stuff that was found in Marilyn Monroe’s bathroom when she passed away. This is they guy who invented sunscreens, ph balances, customized skincare rituals, skincare for teens and skincare for men. Yea, I didn’t believe it at first. It’s one of those things you take for granted like the guy who invented mascara, someone had to do it in the first place right? Awesome.

A bit of lowdown on the company:

1. It’s a high end company. Products sold on Saks Fifth Avenue and based in New York. Prices range from high thirties to two hundreds in US Dollars

2. It has Hungarian roots..speaking of Hungary..I’m actually really hungry right now. Omnomn.

3. It is most famous for its splashing-hot-water-on-your-face-technique which I will explain later. Using water to heal the skin is it’s primary basis.

What did I get?

Sample sizes of:

1. The Active Phelityl Oil ($39 US):


This is a pre-cleansing oil. i think the concept is very similar to Shu Uemura Cleansing OIl. It’s supposed to:

I’m a bit wary of this because my skin absolutely goes ballistic when I put any sort of cream or oil product on it. :) You rub this all over the face before you use your cleanser, and don’t take it off before you go on to the next step.

2. Sea Mud Soap (US$39)


The process for using this is rather lengthy. I have to first:

1. Fill my basin with hot water (Use a sink stopper to stop water form exiting)

2. Wet the bar in the water and rub all over my face

3. Later it up on my face with the water

4. Splash 20 times, the water in the basin and the soap and the oil will form a ‘treatment water’

5. Release water and splash hot water onto face with running water

A bit long, don’t you think?

4. Light Controlling Lotion ($US 39)


Oh no, another toner. Hope it doesn’t break me out!

Wish me luck!

xx Roseanne

Trust me, I’m interesting


Keep the contest coming, it’s ending in like a week!




  • Ange Demon013

    Wow, you have to splash your face 20 times? Can’t wait to see your review of the cleansing oil and cleansing bar.
    After seeing the ingredients of the toner on their website and their claim that it balances PH, I’m scared as well to try it since it contains benzyl alcohol which has a drying effect on my skin (http://beautiful-healthy-skin.com/)

  • icyabstract

    I received the samples too and was checking out the application method and I was like wow, okay… in total you have to splash your face 40 times or something. i haven’t tried the splashing routine out yet but I cut a chunk of the soap to try it. haha.

  • roseannetangrs

    AngeDemon013: Yep, actually 30 times in total haha and will do the review soon :) Yep, I can feel the alcohol in the toner, but I don’t mind it much.

    icyabstract: I’ve been using for like a week and I’m starting to actually really like it :) I love the splashing, it’s really refreshing and it feels like I’m getting everything off. I’m not liking the oil, I’ve in fact stopped it because it’s too much for my skin..but thats for the review till later. I miss you!

  • icyabstract

    I haven’t tried using the oil just yet, thanks for letting me know about it in advance so at least I’ll approach with caution. haha. Aww I miss you too!

  • Ange Demon013

    As if 20 times wasn’t enough LOL.
    Will wait for your review, especially I’m curious to know if you can use Sea mud soap without the active oil.

  • roseannetangrs

    @icyabstract: no worries, although I think since you liked the EA overnight capsules, it shouldn’t be a problem for you :)

    Ange Demon013: yea, its a lot! and I’ve stopped using the oil with the soap because the oil made me break out but I’ll save that for the review :)

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