Hello Onsugar/Hong Kong Beauty Shopping

Hey Everyone,

Wow, I’m actually blogging on onsugar now, mainly because of xbeanie who I talk to on MSN :D fellow make up lover who is awesome, her page is right here: http://xbeanie.onsugar.com/ do visit :D

Anyway, wow, I must say onsugar is pretty darn well, ‘pretty’ to say the least. everything has nice colored buttons and things are much more conveniently located. It only took me a short while to get used to it. Why did I change from blogger to onsugar? well mostly because my favourite beauty gurus like youtubers fiestyskies, forensia, adorebeauty and madcancer7 are all here and they do all this inside onsugar stuff I feel left out of. POO. haha kidding! kidding :P and its so purty.

Well, as you people know, I went to Hong Kong a few days back and I took some pictures of beauty related things you might take joy in viewing, on very bored days, but days nonetheless. ENJOY, I shall add interesting captions to make your day.

now…how do I add picatures..Oh right.

First of all, SASA is absolutely HUGE in Hong Kong and Macau. This was taken in Macau from a hilltop, with a church on it. It was a very hot day and I was quite grumpy because of the weather but then I spotted SASA in huge ass letters haha. BTW this was zoomed quite a bit, SASA is everywhere. Theres also another shop called ‘Bonjour’ thats just like SASA but cheaper, selling all sorts of beauty cosmetics :)

Theyre commonly situated on streets like this. Hong Kong streets are always very crowded. I used to live there actually and I remember some of it when I was 1 to 3 years old haha. I remember a lot of hills, my friends, and having a really bloody nose :( Ok, that was information you probably didn’t need to know but oh well. Yea, my parents thought I had a problem. ANYWAY. Hong Kong is not super cheap btw, its a Little cheaper than singapore sometimes but mostly about the same price :) Clothes are cheap tho, dpends where you go!

Piles and piles of cosmetics. I think theyre all drugstore equivalent but theres no maybelline, loreal etc. They have a lot of skin care products, even la mer here which is RIDICULOUSLY expensive by the way, and they have avene etc. Lots and lots of make up..everything beatuy by the way including brushes :) This is Bonjour btw, not SASA :)

Brushes Galore….I didn’t get any hahah because I thnk I have enough, actually you probably know I have enough and any more I would proabably be deemed a weirdo.


These are Lajore Brushes and they are SUPER SOFT SUPER SUPER SUPER soft!! I didn’t get any again for the reason stated above. Theyre about 20 bucks each.

I was suprised to see MAX Factor!

And I think this is the CUTEST THING!! Its a face washing brush and its super super soft. and EXPENSIVE hahaha. like i think it was hmmm 30 sumthing dollars and for a face washing brush? nahh i wouldnt get it. it makes foam. Dont ask me wat the japanese says, I have noooo clue. People actually mistake me for being korean alot ahha :P Its pretty awkward when youre at school and new korean kids start speaking to u in korean and u just nod and smile and say I dont speak korean, I’m chinese and then they look shocked haha

Okay so you’re prob thinking “what did you get, if you didn’t get any of the things above?”

Well, I got a:

1. Jordana Brow and Mascara Gel – because I’ve been searching for a MAC brow gel subsitute because i’m pretty broke from my EDM addiction and it was only 3 bucks and i’m lazy to put a picture! so sorry..

2. Etude Skinfit Base in green

3. Olay Total Effects Moisturizer :) which was on sale!!

Hope I didn’t take too much of your time :)



  • xbeanie

    nice! hongkong seems like super happening and ive been dreaming of a shopping trip there! ): anyway the only thing i can read from the angelica stand is that it says its a heart shaped brush in japanese. LOL. it looks really cute!

  • roseannetangrs

    haha yea its a really busy place, and beautiful not to mention in so many ways :) thats so cool you can read even a little bit of Japanese, i’m totally lost. I know ‘kawaii’ tho haha

  • forensia

    Welcome to Onsugar~~ nice trip~~ I want to go there for a shopping spree~~ XD

  • xbeanie

    haha but thats because i took jap for like 1.5 years! and i pretty much forgot everything, except how to pronounce the words. unless they sound like english i wouldnt be able to understand them. xD

  • treehouseglory

    hahaha welcome to onsugar. im the joyce u mistook for forensia (i bought edm samples frm u!!!). im ttly kiasu i opened an onsugar acc just to join educated biatch’s spree. anw hk is amazing. im a pr there so getting through the customs is a breeze no waiting in line for me hahahahaha and the watsons there carries Boots!!!! boots has amazing body products

  • heavenlygorgeous

    Welcome to Onsugar, Roseannelove!

  • roseannetangrs

    Forensia: nice meeting you today!! you look so gorgeouss, love your hair :D and thanks for your welcome, i’m sure you’ll go there sumtime :D

    xbeanie: whao jap for that long, nice! always wanted to learn it haha, its such a cute language, sounds cute :P thats sorta like me and mandarin..well i’m a total joke speaking it but i can understand a majority haha

    treehouseglory: thank you!! ohh haha! thats soo cool you’re a hong kong pr! I should have checked out boots products >.< but my parents are like no theres watsons in singapore, no need to go in there. ah well :P heavenlygorgeous: thanks :D Onsugar is such a pretty set up :)

  • roseannetangrs

    heavenlygorgeous: thankss!! Onsugar has such a cute setup :D

  • xbeanie

    haha yeah but i gave up after, i kept falling asleep in classes hahaha xD anyway do post up an update of what you guys did today! would love to see it. :D

  • feistyskies

    aww I got mentioned! ^^ Love you roseanne, see you around yea!!
    The brushes look pretty though. The ones with the pink tips.. I wish they have those in… _________. (fill in the blanks)

  • icyabstract

    Whoa~ I would totally do a double take at the sasa there. It’s so huge and there are so many brushes! haha.

  • roseannetangrs

    xbeanie: hahaha aww, its posted :D

    fiestyskies: yep of course you got mentioned LOL, love ya too, you’re awesome :D haha yea theyre so cute

  • roseannetangrs

    icyabstract: yea sasa is def. huge but bonjour is cheaper, all the brushes in those pictures were from bonjour :D

  • retail_therapy

    I stock up on the clean & clear facial blotters (even a bottle or 2 of shampoos) when I go to HK, so much cheaper. Bonjour is def better than SASA — IMO, more variety in terms of brands.

  • roseannetangrs

    I agree, retail_therapy, bonjours better :P

  • piter

    Just want to thank you for very informative post, regards Ed

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  • roseannetangrs

    thank you!

  • FacesBySarah

    ur gng back HK again soon! yay! :D have fun!

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