Review: Sephora Express Nail Polish Foam Removers – for Feet & for Glitter!

Hey Everyone!


I am attracted to Sephora like bees to honey. It is probably my favourite store, ever. My boyfriend literally has to steer me away from that store and I’m sure you all feel the same way! Although Sephora brand products are not the first thing I choose to look at, I always do notice how innovative they are in their products. They are extremely on trend, probably much faster than other brands and they’ve got an extensive range. Whereas other brands have their regular mascaras, Sephora launches a split mascara wand that hugs the bottom and top of your lashes. Similarly, now they’ve taken another step for innovation and have launched new nail polish removers for two problems that we always face – removing polish off our feet and removing glitter nail polish! In this post, I thought I’d do a review on both.


The first is the Sephora Express Nail Polish Remover for feet. My first impression? – why on earth would you need this? Well then I thought to myself that I do all the time. Sometimes I’m lazy and I paint my nails and then the next day I realise I need to paint my toe nails too – but they already have chipped nail polish on them. If I remove it with my hands, the remover will take off my polish on my hands. It’s a first world problem. When you open it up, you’ll see it comes with a bottle with a sieve where the nail polish remover liquid lives, and then a sponge is attatched to the cap. There’s a hole in the sponge for you to fit your toe in.


Well, let’s try this out. First thing though, I have probably the worst looking feet in the whole wide world. Seriously. I could be mistaken for Shrek, but Shrek was too expensive to star in this post so really, it’s actually me. I used to make fun of them since they look like “tau kwa” – or square tofu. Oh well. Anyway as you can see, it’s time to change my polish! After you put your toe in, simply twist and turn to remove the polish.


The sponge soaks up a lot of the liquid so be careful because while you’re twisting and turning, the liquid tends to drip out because you are squishing the sponge. As you can see, the polish is then transferred onto the sponge. I’m wondering, hmmm. What if I use it tomorrow and my polish is red, then green, then pink? Wow, it’s going to really be a multi-cultural society.


Saying that, it does a good job of removing it without me touching the remover. However, it still can’t reach the little corners that you do have to use with your own cotton and hand.


Overall, it does remove your nail polish. I don’t like that the polish can accumulate on the sponge over time though and I really don’t know how hygienic this could be. It also does not remove polish stuck in crevices and corners. For me, this would be a last resort or something I would bring with me on the go or if I need to do it super fast. I guess it’s good to keep for emergencies.


Next up is the Sephora Nail Polish Remover for Glitter! I hate removing glitter nail polish, it is ridiculously difficult and you have to soak it up on cotton and literally soak the glitter off. It takes forever and I’m just about the most impatient person you’ll meet. So when I saw this, I thought this was pretty cool.


Inside you’ll find that the bottle is totally surrounded by a large foamy sponge that is soaked with the nail polish remover. In the middle is a rectangular sponge that has a rough texture.


After sticking your thumb in, you’re supposed to rub your nail against the scrubber sponge. It takes a while but it’s good. It takes it all off and a lot faster than if you didn’t have this. Again, do I want tons of old nail polish in this bottle? I’m really not sure.


Overall, Sephora has had good effort with these two products. I think maybe you have to figure out a way to make it cleaner and more hygienic but both are great for emergencies. I can see myself using the glitter one a lot more often!

Hope you liked this post,