8 Pinterest DIY Hair Tutorials I Love

Hey Everyone!


Here’s a litte mid week inspiration – Pinterest Hair Tutorials. They often look like a series of step by step pictures, modelled by beautiful girls that look like they came outta your favourite magazine and they make a pretty cool time waster (or not). Here’s my top ten favourites that will make you wonder “oh that’s how they do it.”

1. The Lace Braid 


Love this one. She looks like she came out of Rapunzel and I love how the braids wrap gently around her side ponytail. Absolutely stunning! Find more about it here.

2. Three Braid Bun


First you look like an alien from toy story and then it transforms into a prom-able bun. Wow, impressive. Got it here. I love how this tutorial makes it look so easy.

3. Ombre Highlights


Nah, you don’t need to pay $500 at your local salon for probably the most talked about hairstyle of the moment. Taking do it yourself to another level. Lives on the web here.

4. The Posh Pony


You now look like you’ve attached a real life pony’s tail to your head and hey, it looks pretty nice.

4. Braid Twist Bun


It looked insanely complicated, but thank you Pinterest, you just ruined the magic. Well not really since now we can all go home and do it ourselves now. It looks so beautiful. *hearts in eyes*. Find out more about it here.

5. Poof without Stuffing


A basic hairstyle turned easy. I’m just not exactly sure what all the twirling is all about. Find out more about it here.

6. Hair Bow


Too cute to resist. It’s genius. Now you can be one of those annoyingly cute girls that makes all the boys fall for them because they look so pretty all the time. Find out more about it here.

7. The Boho Braid



Taking messy pleats to another level. Love love love.

8. The Fun Bun


That..looks..like so much fun. But do you know what’s even more fun? Trying these styles at home. Everyone thinks it’s impossibru to do some of these hairstyles but I guess it takes lots of practice.

Hope you liked this post. Friday is nearly here (sort of). In the meantime, shop at my online store – roseanne.sg ;)
