Paperself Paper False Lashes Review! Thanks to

Hey Everyone!


The world of creative falsies has always been foreign to me. I mean, when would I find the occasion to wear lashes with red and green feathers or even to the more simple diamonte ones? Probably never. But, going to make-up school helped bring out the crazier side of me and that’s when I learned of Paperself lashes. If you think feathers is a bit too cray cray for you, then how about paper cut out eyelashes? That’s right.

So when contacted me to see if I’d like to review one of these, I was more than excited. For all of you who are unfamiliar with, it is one of UK’s leading eye accessories retailers and they provide us not only with cool falsies like Paperself, but also a myriad of different contact lenses – from cat eyes and panther eyes to halloween contact lenses to UV electric blue lenses. They also do face and nail and lip tattoos! SO, if you’re looking to make your next costume better than anyone else’s, you can make it complete by checking out what Eyesbright has to offer. I mean, seriously, what they offer is so quirky and cool, I would hop onto their site just for pure entertainment.


Anyways, back to the review. The ones that I chose were the Paperself Deer & Butterfly. These were designed by Ting Yu Wang and feature stunning paper cut outs of deer..and well butterfly and of course some grass. It’s nonethless pretty and an amazing feat by itself.


To apply the lashes, you would apply them like any other false lash. I was to be honest a bit concerned with how my DUO eyelash glue would soften the paper but it was fine. There is no band that most lashes seem to have, it’s just totally paper. That being said, be absolutely careful because you could end up ripping something. I used a pair of tweezers to pick them up but to be honest because of the shape, the easiest way to put these on would probably be to use your own fingers.


And on myself, I look like I’m ready for a forest photoshoot. These look beautiful on the lashes but to be honest, I don’t think I can find an occasion. I will enjoy using it the next time I have a beauty shoot though. Overall, it was easier to apply and take off than I expected and although delicate, withstood the glue. You do have to be careful though!


I don’t know if you noticed, but I didn’t trim the lashes at the end. This is because personally I think these lashes would look better on my eye elongated as I have pretty small eyes and the band is a good width for eyeliner!

I hope you liked this post and do give a visit!
