Tangspiration: Step Out of It

Hey Everyone,

Don’t snap out of it, step out of it. And maybe run.

I was sitting at a cafe the other day and to be honest, I can’t help but hear into the conversations around me. Not that I intentionally do, it’s sound, it travels. One person talked about her boyfriend of a few years leaving her, another about cheating, another about drinking, drugs and horrible friends. You might think, “Gosh, roseanne what cafe is that? Don’t go back” but I realise increasingly that I’m hearing about unhappiness rather than happiness and increasingly I feel that it might be becoming the talk of today. Sadly.

If you’re in a situation where it hurts you more to be in it than aids you and you feel it’s best to leave a situation, you should. Here’s the cold hard truth. Bad friends, aren’t friends. Alcohol and drug addictions don’t and won’t substitute the emptiness you feel. Tomorrow it’ll come back. Cheating makes you take more and more, but at the end of the day, you’ll have nothing. Don’t go out with your abusive boyfriend before it’s too late- make sure you “date” him before you’re “together” with him so you know him – goes with all boys actually. These things rob you of everything that you’ve always wanted in leading a happy and healthy life of having a future family, house, kids, a great job, and a purpose in life. Worst of all, they trick you into thinking that you do have something, that you will have something but in actual fact, there is absolutely nothing. In fact, you end up losing even more of yourself.

Good friends want the best for you, understand you and are there for you even if you don’t want to do the things they’re doing. Changing your ways and finding your passion in life that makes you truly happy will substitute the emptiness you feel, forever. Having one person to love, trust, hold and believe in who loves you just as much is one of the greatest things a person can find. Finding someone who respects you is the most important. Respect yourself, it’s worth it. Depend on yourself for your own happiness, not on someone else or something else.

You might ask, “Roseanne..but this is all I’ve known. This is who I am. My parents are alcoholics, I’m one too. My friends cheat on each other, they get drunk every day. There’s nothing I can do.” What an excuse girl. STEP OUT OF IT. Some people say snap out of it, but that’s not enough to realize what you’re doing. Realize, hold back, and step out of the situation. Find yourself, your true self, not under a blanket of addictions and find your way out. There’s always a way out, you just have to get to it and free yourself. “It’s not that easy, Roseanne”. It’s not, never said it was, but what I did say was that it’s worth it.

