Hey Everyone,
Yours truly is one of the nominees for the Panasonic Beauty Campaign. Panasonic has come out with a bunch of great beauty tools from multi-styling gadgets to even facial steamers. I’ve been trying out a few recently and will look forward to reviewing them. For more information, be sure to check out http://www.panasonic.asia/beauty/ which tells you all the great things they’re bringing to you!
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee3seIEeK7E’]
On a more winning topic, head on to the Panasonic Beauty app on the Panasonic facebook page right here: https://www.facebook.com/sgpanasonic?sk=app_413583742029051 and vote for me (everyday if you’d like) to get a chance to win a $500 Sephora Singapore voucher! How exciting :) Plus, the more you vote, the higher your chance of winning! Plus, be sure to show the other ladies some lovin’ too :) They did a great job!
Even though the prize says that the voter will get $100 and a nanocare steamer and the winner will get a $500 voucher, I’m going to give it all away to you if you win. So in essence, you’ll be getting $600 Sephora Voucher and a nanocare steamer, just for you :)
Happy Voting!
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