Hey Everyone!
I don’t know about you but I’ve been seeing my newsfeed and twitterfeed filled lately with updates regarding the hot, hot, hot Singapore weather. Although the weather would be quite welcoming here in Melbourne being about ten to fifteen degrees right now nearing winter, I thought it would be pretty handy to state my top ten tips to keeping your make-up fresh during the summer time.
Just to set the scene if you live near Antartica, summer weather means pearls of sweat and lots of it, hot weather that can turn your make-up look from fresh and fabulous to a flop in minute and foundation that melts off like…well an ice-cub out of a fridge. Excuse the awful pun but the summer isn’t the best climate to look fresh and fabulous 24/7 in. I always keep a fanning device or a thick brochure in my bag to cool myself off with, but let’s see what other summer beauty tips there are to keep in mind as June and July draw near.
#1. Primers are a Girl’s Best Friend
Make-up primers are pretty much essential if you find your that foundation not lasting as long as everyone tells you it will. I remember working in the office in Singapore and although you’re not really hot because of the air-conditioning, I found my make-up dissapearing by midday. Trust me, it wasn’t a look I liked to sport. Make-up primers are great because they help your make-up last longer. According to the finish you would like to acheive, more silicone based primers will help you with your pores and will help keep your make-up mattified or if it’s seriously hot, then you should look for a more gel or water based primer as it feels lighter under the skin and will be less prone to cakey foundation flaws. Eye-shadow primers are absolute must-haves as well! Refer to my Back to Basics post on Face Primers Here.
#2. Keep Blotting Sheets Handy
I used to be adament about bringing a blotting powder around, but now I’ve gotten used to the idea that blotting sheets or just blotting with tissue or your bathroom’s toilet paper really helps throughout the day. Either way, keep some sheets in your bag as an instant refresher after a long day. The sweat and the potential humidity could make you look like you’ve just run a marathon so blotting is a must. If you’re scared of eradicating coverage, then keep a sheer face powder to dust off with all over your face after the blotting.
#3. Wear a lighter foundation
During the summer time, I’m for sure not a fan of thick and creamy foundations. If you’re out and about during the day, the most unattractive thing to see and probably what I’m also guilty of are those nasty sweat beads peaking out through a powdered and foundation covered nose. It’s quite unattractive and it’s inevitable when you’re looking at cream and heavy liquid foundations. Thus, it’s always good to go with something more everyday and lighter. Mineral powder foundations, tinted moisturisers and BB creams are great bets to have, but if you like the coverage and flawlessness of the liquid foundation, make sure you’re not under the sun for too long. It’s absolutely fine if you’re indoors for the majority of the day.
#4. Don’t be afraid of the glow
I have to say that I must raise my hands in guilt for being guilty for a time when I just wanted to be as matte as possible. Coming from Rae Morris herself, you should analyze your skin and not try to change it to the other extreme. For example, if you have oily skin, don’t make yourself the other extreme and try to go extremely matte with a cakey powder and lots of coverage. Embrace a glow instead, not an oily glow but a nice highlighted glow, highlighting the good points like the bridge of your nose, the top of your cheek bones and the face of your chin. It’s for sure a more natural look to sport during the summer months.
#5. Play with fresh pinks and peaches and keep dark shades in storage
Summer is all about being light, happy, and fresh. The sun urges you to dance on the beach, go surfing and be just overall happier than you obviously are during the winter. Your makeup should reflect this joy, so keep the dark shades in storage and bring out more fresh colors like lighter pinks and peaches. Bring on the neutrals and tans and bronzers. Use fresh colors during the summer and you’ll blend right into your surroundings. I always advocate standing out from the crowd but in this case I’m sure you’ll appreciate a fresher color pallette than the palette you’ll use during the winter time.
#6. Go Waterproof
Things melt and things drip during the summer. Always opt to try and go waterproof even if you don’t have anything to cry about. Waterproof eyeliner and mascara are great bets to have to prevent panda eyes from forming and a good waterproof sunscreen will help too.
#7. Don’t forget your sunscreen!
Speaking of sunscreen, you’ll need one. Refer to my Back to Basics Sunscreen post where I give you the ultimate guide and an all you need to know about sunscreens to get a bigger picture but in a nutshell, you want to go with an SPF 30 usually to prevent you from all kinds of nasty things like skin cancer, melanoma, wrinkles and sun burns that won’t let you enjoy the waves of the ocean anymore. I mean, what fun is summer when you can’t enjoy it?
#8. Layer and Set your Make-up!
Setting your make-up is just as important as priming your skin. Not only should you set your foundation with a good powder, a loose powder or any favourite powder to be exact because it makes makeup last longer, you should look to setting your blush and even eye-liner as well. For longer lasting blush, use a cream blush then set it with a matching blush in the same color, blend away so you don’t look like an odd looking clown and apply lightly as you are putting on two blushes but you want to make it look like you only applied one. Setting your eye-liner with eye-shadow is also a good idea to keep liners from smudging. After you’ve applied your eye-liner, take a small brush and use the same color to set your liner with the eye-shadow over the line. You could also have a little fun and use brighter colors like teal or turqouise that are great summer picks.
#9. Foundations do oxidise faster during the summer, what a bummer.
Keep in mind that foundations oxidise during the summer. That means that foundations that appear flawless and just the perfect color when you leave the house may not be the same color in a few hours under the heat. They often appear just a little darker. In cases like these, it’s alright to get a foundation just a little lighter than the foundation you really match with. This is really only the case if you know that the foundation will oxidise, just ask the sales assistant if it will, and if you will be under direct heat and humidity. If not, just use the foundation that matches you, it’s always safer that way.
#10. Add a bronzer for that summer glow
Bronzers are a must have during the summer. Everyone loves to sport that bronze goddess look and it just adds warmth and vibrancy to your look. You don’t want to go too heavy so using a fluffy brush to lightly dust the bronzer onto the places where the sun naturally hits is a great way to do it. I like to contour with the bronzer on the hollows of my cheeks. It slimifies but adds just the most beautiful shade of warmth.
And there we have it! My top ten tips to look fresh and fabulous during the summer time, even in hot and humid weather!
Stay tuned to my winter version soon for all you Aussies out there!
Do you have any summer beauty tips?
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