Sorry I’m probably spamming your inbox at the moment but this is for treehouseglory and anyone sort of confused on how to use Windows Movie Maker to edit their videos. Thought I might help and address your concerns. I know the video quality is poor, but I didn’t really know how to do it any other way, I could use screencast, but it wouldn’t upload and I couldnt change the frame size. ANYWAY, hope this works and hope it helps you.
If it doesn’t that means i’m uploading it on youtube on another account..so wait a moment pls! :D
I really hope the video works…GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8ho3LUuyak
Wouldn’t upload here..weird.
Well I just wanted to tell you really fast about another bad experience at MAC Taka in case you ever chance upon to meet a skinny man with blond highlights who wants to serve you. If you meet him, run away. He was so rude to me and I really really did not do anything to upset him, I even felt bad thinking if I somehow did. So I was about to make payment for my Fix+ and I was taking out my card for him and my friend asked me a question and I glanced over to answer it and by the time I did that, he literally SNAPPED at me: PAY FIRST, GIVE ME YOUR CARD NOW!.
wow. I was so shocked and followed bluntly, he then basically threw the nets machine at me to key in my number and slammed it back down. AND to top it off, while I was walking out the store, he rolled his eyes right in my face.
Yea. I felt really bad after that, trying to remember what the hell I did wrong but I didn’t do anything, I came in, swatched things, asked for FIX+, made payment and left. Maybe he had a really bad day, thats my reason.
Maybe…he broke up with his girlfriend..or boyfriend, and it was late and he needed to go home and cry.
I should have said, “bad day, huh” like those american bartenders.
but that would be mean of me, so I didn’t say anything. I didn’t say anything because I was scared out of my pants.
I ran outta store. I think I’m safe with the DFS store, Galleria… next time :( no more MAC TAKA please. I’m still not sure what was up his butt, and i’m fine with it :)
Well that was my quick rant. sorry to have taken your time. bye bye.